Twitter {3}

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@ash: My baby brother came to visit and im so happy😭😭
@drake: just because I was born 2 minutes after you doesn't make me your baby brother
@emmarosekenney: yes it does @drake
@username001: im glad your happy!! You deserve it for always making your fans happy!!☺️☺️
@username002: @username001 is right @ash you deserve to be happy all the time
@ash: thank you guys so much. I love you @username001 @username002 ❤️❤️
@garretwat: wouldn't it be better if I visited you?? #gashley am I right??
@djackson: I think she would like @EthanCutkosky to visit her more than you @garretwat more like #athan am I right??
@EthanCutkosky: I wouldn't mind visiting #athan
@username003: guys even @EthanCutkosky ships it #athan
@username004: lets get it trending again!! #athan
@EmmaRoseKenney: do it and I'll prank @EthanCutkosky
@EthanCutkosky: @EmmaRoseKenney not gonna happen
@username005: I ship #gashley more then #athan
@username006: @username005 delete your account
@ash: what @username006 said @username005 #athan
@garretwat: if #gashley trends I'll delete my YouTube
@ash: forget about trending #athan start trending #gashley
@EmmaRoseKenney: trend #gashley and I'll shave @EthanCutkosky eyebrows
@EthanCutkosky: again @EmmaRoseKenney not gonna happen
@EmmaRoseKenney: bet @EthanCutKosky
Here is a twitter one lol
Next is gonna be a Twitter/DM one

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