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Today is the day I'm meeting Christophers girlfriend I'm so excited!!

I wake up
My head hurts
Last night I got woken up by my phone buzzing and buzzing
It was Kevin and he tweeted this
"Cheaters cheaters unbelievable they've been  together for so long #alexischeated"
I tweeted back
"It's sad how people assume people are cheating when they have no prove snake?"
And then I tossed my phone at the other side of my room and went to bed

Uhh I don't want to get up I don't want to continue this day I can't it's gonna turn to shit and I'm gonna end up crying or/and doing something stupid

Here goes nothing

I get up and grab my phone
Them cilm back in bed
There's still buzz about Kevin but my fans believe me *smiles*
I get up do my hair,makeup, and get dressed (above) etc

I walk in the guest bedroom and jump on Zach to wake him up
Alexis- goodmorning zachey
Zach- uhhh lexi
Alexis- *laughs* meet you downstairs
Zach- k

I go downstairs
There's a note on the frigde "honey don't worry about social media right now I'll be back at 9! Love you -mom"

Ugh it's hard not to worry it's my life..

I make Zach and I some waffles
I laugh
Zach finally comes down
And we have a lovely breakfast
After breakfast Zach and I walk too Tylers

When we arrive  Christopher, His girlfriend, and Tyler our sitting on the couch
Alexis- hey!
Tyler rolls his eyes
Zach- did you just roll your eyes at her?
Tyler- shut up Zach
Zach- no
Tyler gets up off the couch and walks up to Zach
Zach- your all talk what are you gonna do
Tyler- stop trying to get Alexis I swear too god if your the one she cheated on me with you'll be dead dead
I pull Tyler away from Zach
Alexis- I didn't cheat on you
Tyler- yea
Alexis- your unbelievable you'd beileve Kevin over me you know this is what he wishes us too fight your giving him what he wants
Tyler- omg Alexis calm down
Zach- don't talk to her like that
Tyler- I swear Zach if I hear one more word
Zach- word
Tyler punches Zach in the face
Zach- ouch what the hell Tyler
Tyler- you thought I was all talk huh
Alexis- Tyler!! You need to calm down
Tyler- you know what I'm leaving bye
Alexis- Tyler
Tyler walks out the door

Alexis- uh omg Zach are you ok
Zach- yea I'm ok my eye hurts a bit but
Christopher- I'll get you some ice
Jade- sorry I didn't do anything I just didn't know what to do
Alexis- oh Jade it's fine he gets mad like this sometimes it's ok I hope but it's nice meeting you I'm Alexis
Jade- I know your like famous
Alexis- I wouldn't say that and plus it's not that great look at Tyler and I because of one stupid rumour
Jade- yea but I mean boys will be boys
We both laugh
Christopher and Jade seem really happy Zach and I stay hanging out and getting to know Jade for like 2 hours then Tyler comes back
Tyler- Zach get out of my house
Christopher- it's not your house it's the family's house
Tyler- don't be a smart ass but Zach out
Alexis- Zach lets just go
Zach- ok
Tyler- I just said Zach
Alexis- I know but I don't want to stay here because your here  Jade it was nice talking to you text me
Jade- I will and I had fun too!
Christopher- bye guys I'm sorry for tyler

Zach and I go back too my house

To be countined...

Freaky w/ Tyler brown (might get dirty;)Where stories live. Discover now