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I look at the test

Alexis- omg
It's positive
I try not to freak out

And stuff it in my garbage so no one sees
Then try to go back to sleep But I can't

I just lay there almost all night
Tyler wakes up

Tyler- morning my beautiful
Alexis- morning
Tyler smiles
Alexis- want me too go make breakfast
Tyler- no let me
Tyler runs down stairs and makes breakfast

I go downstairs
Alexis- yum!
We eat

We watch TV and a baby commercial comes on

Tyler- do you think one day we will have a baby
Alexis- hehe yea one day...

Ugh I don't feel good
I don't know what I'm gonna do

Tyler- you ok?
Alexis- yeah just not feeling the nest
Tyler- wanna cuddle? 
Alexis- thought you'd never ask
He smiles then
We go cuddle in my room
And watch TV most of the day


Tyler- want me to stay the night?
Alexis- it's up too you
Tyler- I want to stay with you but I wanna see how everything is at my house
Alexis- go see them
Tyler- you sure? 
Alexis- yea tell everyone I say hi
Tyler- I will love you
He kisses me
Alexis- love you too
He leaves

I'm all alone

Who am I supposed to talk to about this?
Alexis- Loren! 

I call her

Loren- hey honey
Alexis- hey
Loren- what's up
Alexis- I need to tell you something but if i do promise not to tell anyone
Loren- Alexis you are scaring me
Alexis- I'm preg-
Mario- Loren come on we have to go
Loren- Alexis I'm sorry mario and I are going on a date
Alexis- ouu back again?
Loren- yea but is it important
Alexis- uh no just go
Loren- bye love you!
Alexis- love you.. .
She hangs up

I cry
What am I gonna do with my life
Waht am I gonna do
Maybe i should go to the doctor and make sure

I hear my mom

Mom- hi Lexi heard you aren't feeling well
Alexis- yeah
Mom- I brought you some medicine
Alexis- Awh thanks mom!
I smile
She kisses my forehead
Mom- I'm glad you and Tyler are back together
Alexis- me too
Mom- let me get you tissues
She gets me some and emptys my garbage bag the test falls out

Mom- Alexis I wasn't snooping or anything but what's this? 
She's holding the test
I start to cry
She comes on my bed and hugs me
Alexis- I'm so sorry I let everyone down
Mom- it's gonna be ok honey I promise
Alexis- I'm a disappointment
Mom- no your not one bit you are my daughter no matter waht I will always love you honey yes I am sad but I'm here for you no matter what
Alexis- I love you so much
Mom- I love you too

I cry in her arms for a long time

Mom-does Tyler know?
Alexis- no
Mom- maybe you should tell him
Alexis- I'm afraid he's gonna leave me
Mom- Tyler would never do that
Alexis- I will tomorrow I need to sleep
Mom- ok love goodnight I love you
She kisses my cheek
Alexis- I love you too

To be continued...

I know you normally don't find out your pregnant this soon but let's just pretend. :)

Freaky w/ Tyler brown (might get dirty;)Where stories live. Discover now