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When we got home yesterday I felt sick
My stomach hurt and I wanted to throw up
Zach hugs me
Zach- you deserve better
Alexis- Zach I love you so much
Zach- Alexis I love you so much
Zach kisses my cheek
Alexis- I don't feel good
Zach- go lay down in your room I'll make you some soup
Alexis- that's a good idea and thanks your the sweetest!
I go up stairs lay down
I go on my phone

And saw tweets about how some people really think I cheated on Tyler
And it made me cry
But I saw how Zach tweeted "Alexis is my best friend and she never cheated on Tyler you know she deserves the world and all this hate she's getting isn't fair someone else should be getting the hate"

He's gonna get some questions about that
It's hard about 80% of my fans beileve I didn't cheat but the other 20% think other wise
I don't know what else to do
I'm just not gonna go on Twitter or Instagram for a while I tweet "I need a break from all this hate from something that has no prove and is 100% not true be back in 2 or 3 days thank you too everyone who is supporting me I love you all xo-Lexi"
And I did the same on Instagram with a cute photo ^ was the caption

Zach comes up with my soup
I grab it
Alexis- thanks Zach
I have some
Alexis- it's sooo good omg
After about 39 mins of crying having soup and ranting to Zach
I go to sleep even though it's like 8 i don't care
I wake up in the night for some reason I look on my phone for the time 30 missed calls from Tyler
10 text messages
1- Alexis I'm sorry for being such an asshole
2-I know I don't deserve I'm lucky too have you and I always mess things up
3- I get angry for stupid reasons and believe social media
4- I care for you so much...
5- I know I've been the biggest dick in the world and I'm sorry
6- please just answer
7- Alexis please
8- I love you too the moon and back my princess
9- you deserve the world and much more
10- please talk to me before I die
I reply
"Smh you always get mad at stupid shit and get mad at me and my friends it's sickening I forgive and you do realize what you do wrong but you need to stop before you lose me"

Then I go back to sleep
But I get woken up again rocks getting thrown at my window
I get out of bed
It's Tyler I open my window
Alexis- if you break my window your paying fora new one
Tyler- come down please I need to talk to you
Alexis- no
Tyler- your not answering me please
Alexis- for a reason
Tyler- please babygirl
Alexis- no and don't call me that
I close my window
I start thinking about all this and start to cry
I can't fall asleep so I go see Zach
I knock on the door
Zach- Alexis?
Alexis- yea
Zach- come in
I open the door
Zach- what's wrong why are you crying
Zach gets out of bed and hugs me
Alexis- all this stuff with Tyler and he came to my window saying come see me but I can't he makes me so upset
Zach- and that's ok but you need your sleep
Alexis- but i tried and I can't
Zach- wanna sleep in here?
Alexis- yea
Zach smiles
We get in bed
Zach puts his arm around my waist
Are eyes meet
Zach- I want you too know that I love you very much and I will always be here for you
I smile
Zach kisses me
We kiss for like 5 seconds
I back away
Alexis- Zach I can't make the rumour true
Zach- I know but I've been waiting to kiss you again  forever  I couldn't help it
Alexis- goodnight Zach
We both fall asleep

To be continued...

Freaky w/ Tyler brown (might get dirty;)Where stories live. Discover now