Apology Letter

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It's been almost 3 months since everything went down.
I kinda knew things were gonna take a while to turn back around.

The way things played out, I really wish it didn't.
Because it's got me here now,

Wishing that I knew then what I know now. 
Wishing that I knew how,

I could see into the future or go back in time.
A lot of things said and choices I would rewind.
All of the shit we went through is unforgettable.
The stupid old me walked away and made a choice that was regrettable.

Even though I know things won't be the same.
I just wanted to apologize a thousand times for the pain,
That I caused you.

Please know that this is most sincere.
This was one of the only ways I could really express these thoughts really clear.

I'm just praying that your happy and I'm asking forgiveness.
Though this is only a portion of what I have to say, I wish you the best.

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