Chapter 2: The Chosen Ones Part 2

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Chapter 2: Meet The Digimon

The teens just stood there in amazement at their own digimon. They were shocked, surprised, and in total awe of the creatures. Gaomon, Terriermon, Veemon and Dracomon. A few moments had pasted by and nobody said a word. An awkward silence fell over the forest until one of the digimon spoke.

"It is a pleasure to meet you all. My name is Gaomon," said the blue dog digimon

"I'm Terriermon"

"Mine is Dracomon"

"And Veemon's the name" said the only female digimon in the group

"This is so cool. My very own digimon" said Derek with excitement as he kneed before Gaomon. He examined the blue dog digimon from head to toe. "My name is Derek and I guess I am your Tamer" extending his hand out. Gaomon stared at the hand, then Derek and back again for a few moments, seemed like an eternity. He extended his paw out and they shook hands. "Pleasure to meet you, Derek. Guess we working together now," he replied with a smile on his face.

Erik walked over to Terriermon who was just standing there with a delightful smile on his face like was always in a good mood. "My name is Erik," he said to the digimon. Terriermon looked at him with a smile "Glad to meet you," he replied jumping into his lap. Erik gave a big smile to the small Digimon who in turn smiled back.

Veemon walked up to TK and just like what Derek did too Gaomon he extended her hand out in a gesture of friendship. "Hello there TK. My name is Veemon and I have been waiting a long-time to meet you," she said joyfully

Lastly Dracomon and Tom. The two stood staring at each other for a few moments. "It's nice to meet you," said Tom. Dracomon just stood there and threw back a smile. Dracomon seemed to be the quiet type of digimon.

The tamers and Digimon sat around the fire pit. Dracomon was kind enough to restart the fire from what wood was left. With the fire back going they once, gain sat around. Tom looked at his watch. It read 11:59 pm. "Wow, its that time already?" said Tom, "We should probably head back"

"WAIT" shouted Erik "What will my parents think when they see these guys walking around"

Derek took a big sigh "It will be fine dude. We will just tell them that we are camping outside tonight. We'll go back to the house and grab the sleeping bags and come right back here," he explained. "When you put it like that," said a relaxed Erik.

"Well, I'll go back and get the bags. I at least know where they are in the house," said Erik. He looked at Terriermon "You have to stay here I'll be back in like 5 minutes or so"

"What do you take me for, a dog? Of course I'll stay here silly," replied Terriermon with a big smile on his face.

Erik then darted back to the house. He knew that by this time his parents would be asleep so he at least has to be very quite. With Erik gone, he left the three teens with four digimon and with that, a few tense moments passed by.

"So...tell me guys what brought you here to the real world?" asked Tom

"Well, how are we supposed to know," said Gaomon

"Geez, you'll wake the whole forest" laugh Terriermon. "Hey, you try carrying 4 deluxe size sleeping bags through the forest on your own," snarled Erik back at his digimon. Erik threw each sleeping back to his friends and they laid them all out around the fire.

"Here is a question? What are we going to do in the morning?" asked Derek

"Well, I know that since today was my parent's party and each time after that thy usually go with the Johnson's on like a double date thing. They'll be gone all day so no big worries"

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⏰ Last updated: May 31, 2017 ⏰

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