Chapter 1: The Chosen Ones Part 1

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Disclaimer:I do not own any rights to the digimon of course. The characters however are of my own, please do not use them without my permission. I will not be describing any digimon in the story, some of which are just hard to describe in the first place, if you are a fan I suggest you go and look up the digimon. I will do my best for most digimon however. Yes there are mistakes and all that but lets look past those okay :)

Chapter 1: The Chosen Ones Part 1

SomewhereIn the Digital World

"We can't hold them back any longer. The forces of darkness will over run us" a voice shouted out

"The portal will be open soon. Only then can we send the digivices to the digidestine" Another voice replied back. "You must give me more time. Yes. The portal is open, sending the digivices through now"

The castle was under siege by evil digimon. Commandramon, Tankdramon and BlackTyranomon, Bakemon and various other evil digimon were attempting to gain access through the heavily fortified castle but the castles defenders could only hold out for so long. Soon enough the gates collapsed and the evil digimon began to overrun the castle and began a deletion of all the defenders. The evil digimon began to part a path and standing at the gate wasn't a digimon but a human. He was at least 16 years old. He had black hair and was wearing dark sunglasses that covered his eyes. He was wearing blue cargo pants and a black shirt. Atop that a beige trench coat which looks like something out of a old detective movie. Along with him on his right side with eyes black as the night sky was his digimon, BlackWarGreymon.

"Master will be pleased when we get our hands on those digivices" Said Mobius

"Yes"replied BlackWarGreymon

They entered the keep as the evil digimon moved around the castle taking more prisoners. The were escorted out of the castle and moved into special transport vehicles and taken away. Mobius and BlackWarGreymon worked their way around the keep until the came to a door. Mobius kicked it open and it revealed a long dark spiral staircase to the basement. They made their way all the way down and were confronted by the portal and Wizardmon.

"Your too late Mobius, I have already sent the digivices through the portal. I guess your master will be disappointed" said Wizardmon with a smile

Mobius gave a short laugh and scratched the back of his head "Perhaps, he may be upset that I didn't get the digivices but ridding you from this world will do just fine" said Mobius. He held up two fingers and motioned forward. In a flash BlackWarGreymon lunged forward and with his right claw he stabbed Wizardmon in the chest. He pulled his claw from Wizardmon and he fell the floor as the portal began to close. Mobius walked over, kneeled over Wizardmon. "If you had just surrendered the digivices then you wouldn't be in this position, am I right?"

"It doesn't matter, the digidestined will soon be here and they will destroy you and your master. As a Digimon I'll be reborn" said Wizardmon as he disintegrated.

Mobius stood up and looked at what was left of the closed portal, adjusted his glasses and turned and walked out of the room. BlackWarGreymon behind "What are you going to do about the digivices master?" he asked. They entered the great hall and soon outside "Send a couple champion level digimon through the portal and get them. The faster we get those digivices the sooner our plans will be completed"

BlackWarGreymon stopped for a moment "Yes my master" he said and then flew off

In The Real World

It was a beautiful summers day in the Rocky Mountains at Flathead Lake in Montana. The sun was out, not a cloud in the sky and a warm 27 Celsius. Derek, Erik, Tristan and Tom were all playing in the woods behind Erik's parents' summer residence.

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