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**Noel's POV**

"Hey- um whoah..."

Harry and I broke from our heated make out session and turned toward the living room door. There stood one of Harry's friends, Liam I think.

"Sorry didn't mean to interrupt," he said winking. I blushed furiously and looked down, "but the lads and I were wondering if you guys wanted to grab a bite to eat quick? That is unless you're too busy in here." He chuckled.

"Um yeah that sounds good!" I say pushing Harry off and walking toward Liam. "Coming Harry?" I ask from the door. He stood and came over, intertwining our fingers.

"Yep! Let's head out." He smiled.

The three of us walked out the front door into the warm Florida air. It was nice but a little chilly. As we walked out I spotted the other boys in the black range rover. Harry guided me over and we hopped in the back seat.

"Oh shoot I don't have any money on me!" I gasp as I realize all my money has gone to my dad.

"Don't worry about it, love." Harry says. "I always pay when taking a girl out." He smiles cheekily and sends me a wink. I just roll my eyes in response.

"Oh Harold, quite the cheeky lad, yeah?" I laugh.

His laughter joins mine in perfect harmony. Soon the whole car is in fits of laughter.

About ten minutes later we pull up to Peg Leg Pete's. Gosh I love this place they have the BEST seafood in town!

"Yay! Peg Leg's! This is my favorite place for seafood!" I shout hopping out of the car and running excitedly toward the entrance. From behind me I can hear the boys laughing at my giddiness.

"Ha Ha it's hilarious that I'm excited, now let's go slow pokes!" I shout to them. This only makes them laugh more. Eventually they catch up to me. Liam heads to the desk to ask for a table while Harry and the others take a seat next to me on the bench. I wind up between Niall and Louis.

"So, what's your name?" The blonde questions.

"Her name is Noel." Harry buts in.

"Jesus Harry let the woman speak for herself!" Louis snips sassily. Harry responds by putting his hands up in surrender. I just giggle.

"Tell us about yourself Noel. Where are you from? How old are you? What is your fav-" Louis gets cut off by Niall, "slow down, lad! One question at a time! Don't want to scare her off already!" He laughs.

"Well I'm 18 as of today actually, and I'm originally from London. I live with my dad and work at a cafe near the beach. I love ice cream and movie nights. Is that enough information?" I laugh as they all nod there heads in response.

"So what time do you need to be home by?" Liam inquires returning from putting our name in.

"Oh... Um... Shoot, actually I should probably get going. I'm not supposed to have left. Thanks for everythi-" I start as I stand up. Harry interrupts me though. What is his deal with interrupting.

"Uh Noel could I speak with you a minute? Alone?" He asks.

"Y-yeah sure." I send the boys a smile and follow Harry to the side walk. He stops and turns to face me.

"Look Noel I can't let you go back home and get hurt again. I would never forgive myself for letting you walk back into that mess. You need to stay with us for awhile. We will protect you from your dad and we won't let him find you. I-I just can't let you go back and get..." He sighs and looks down," beaten again." Harry's eyes almost look glossy.

Oh no this is bad! He can't care about me, he can't keep me safe, my father will find me! He always does!

"I-I'm sorry Harry as much as if love to stay I really can't. It'll only be worse if he does find me. And.." I begin to ramble without noticing how close Harry has gotten to me.

"No Noel you can't go back. I care to much to see you get treated like that." And in an instant after he says those words our lips connect for the second time tonight. His warm ones against my cold as I shiver in the cool breeze. He pulls away wrapping his arms around me and holding me close.

"You just can't go back, please." He breathes softly in my ear.

"Harry what if he finds-"

"No he won't find you! I'll protect you even if he does, which he won't. I promise, Noel." He looks at me with pleading eyes.

"I guess I'm already gone so what's the point in going back when I'm free, for now at least. So I guess I'll stay. But are you sure I'm not a burden I don't want to get in your guys' way!"

He moves in again, connecting our lips in a chaste kiss.

"Does that answer your question?" He grins.

"Fine I'll stay." I sigh, jokingly in exasperation.

"Good! I was thinking I might have to keep you hostage!" Harry laughs and I join in too. He grabs my small hands in his large ones.

"Wow! Your hands are so warm!" I squeal.

He just chuckles and guides us back to the boys who are waiting patiently on the bench.

"Good news, guys! Noel is staying with us for a while!" Harry shouts excitedly.

A chorus of cheers ring out from the group.

"That's great!" Niall shouts.

"I'm excited! You seem sweet, I can't wait to get to know you better!" Liam says standing with a smile and engulfing me in a hug.

"Not to mention she can show us the ropes around here!" Louis yells happily.

"Welcome to the family Noel!" Zayn smiles.

I feel so welcome already. Too bad I can't actually stay.

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