A new home

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Chapter 3: A new home

Oki so I have been told that I am torturing someone because I was taking so long to update. I am truly sorry for the wait; things have been a bit hectic with school and some personal stuff. But I am happy that you guys took the time to read my story a bit and give comments ^o^ <3

ALSO, i dedicate this chappie to once again @anotherdamnotaku because she was the first to ever comment on my story and i am sorry for making you wait so long!!



“How would you girls like to join fairy tail?”


Levy and Lucy stared at Makarov as if he had 3 heads; levy looked to Lucy who just continued to look at Makarov.

“Lucy this is our chance we can get away from clover, from Mr. Delve, and all bad memories.” Levy said as she tugged on Lucy’s sleeve to get her attention. Lucy looked down to levy as she saw tears forming in her eyes. Levy knew that when she gave Lucy this look she would never say and she was right, Lucy said before looking up at Makarov.

“Okay, we would be happy to join fairy tail” Lucy said and before she could continue to speak she was tackled by a squealing levy.

“Thank you Lucy! We get to leave clover and we’re getting a new home!” levy let go of Lucy so that she could run over to Makarov and tackled him in a hug as well, Gajeel sidestepped a bit so that he wouldn’t be dragged in the hug. Makarov just laughed and patted levy’s head.

“Thank you thank you thank you!” levy shouted as tears spilled out her eyes and she continued to hug Makarov.

“Now now my dear, let’s get you both home so you can pack. We leave for fairy tail tonight.” And with that levy got off Makarov and bolted for the door leaving three stunned people in a hospital room. Lucy smiled a sweet smiled towards the door and hopped off the bed and walked over to Makarov. She stuck her hand out to him; Makarov looked at her for a second before grabbing her hand and shaking it.

“Thank you, this means a lot to levy...it’s been a while since I’ve seen her smile that big.” Lucy said as a small tear escaped and slid down her face. She quickly let go of Makarov hand and wiped it away while walking out of the hospital room and towards a very impatient levy that was waiting at the front desk for them to come out.

“GEEZ took you slow pokes long enough!” levy exclaimed as Lucy and the other two walked closer to her. And with that they all left the hospital and made their way back to the orphanage so that levy and Lucy could pack their things. after they were done packing they took one last look at their bedroom that they have called home for so long and said their final goodbye. they walked outside and down the steps to where Makarov and Gajeel waited for them.

“took you girls long enough” Gajeel mumbled under his breath, levy heard him and just stuck her tongue out at him. lucy laughed a little and walked up to Makarov.

“we’re ready to go sir” Lucy said as she faced makarov, for a second he thought he saw a tint of sadness in them but she looked away quickly and he wasn’t able to get a good enough look.

“Lets get going then, the train should be arriving soon so we must hurry or else we wont catch it!” Makarov said with a cheeky smile on his face, he grabbed one of Lucy’s bags while Gajeel attempted to grab one of levy’s.

“I can carry my own bags metal brain” Levy said as she huffed a bit and tried to snatch her bag back from Gajeel. Gajeel looked at levy and tsked before tugging the bag out of her grip and tossing it over his shoulder like it was nothing. they walked a bit in silence as they made their way to the train station and as they got closer they saw the train heading to magnolia arriving. After putting their bags above them, Levy and Lucy both sat on the train and stared out the window as the vast fields covered in yellows, purples, and blues passed by in a blur. Levy was the first to look away from the window so she could speak with Makarov and Gajeel.

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