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Heya everybody!! I was supposed to update this story a LONG  time ago and im so so so so so so so sorry it has taken me this long! ALSO I have a little surprise for you guys! Im thinking of starting another fan fic. Its going to be another combined NaLu, GaLe, Jerza, and Gruvia. Im deciding between FBI agents or High School drama. Please let me know what you guys want and ill start writing. I might make like a prologue for each and post is and you guys can tell me what you think!!!

Id like to dedicate this chappie to my newest followers:





Thank you guys so much for following me and reading my book!!! I hope you enjoy this chappie and let me know what kinda book I should write next!

Now! Onto the story!!

Disclaimer: I own nothing except for the plot, everything else goes to its original owner!


Recap: “Why don’t you come along with me child, let’s go get your friend and get you both your official Fairy Tail marks.” He smiled at levy and began to walk towards the door in which Lucy left through earlier. 


Levy stayed where she was looking down at her shoes as Makarov began to walk towards the guild doors.

“A-actually I’d rather just leave Lucy alone for a little while if that’s alright Mr. Makarov?” Levy asked as she continued to stare down at her feet.

“well that’s quite alright child, just go and see Mirajane when you are ready to get your guild mark.” He said as he turned to smile at levy. “oh and call me master from now on, since your now a part of the Fairy Tail Guild.” He said turning and walking over to the bar where a beer was poured for him. “

Levy looked up and took in her surroundings for the first time since she had arrived at the guild. She was amazed at how big it was and how there were so many people with different types of magic’s there. She decided to go and take a nice walk through magnolia to get used to her new town. Little did she know that a certain metal lover was following her.

“wow…this place is huge!” Levy exclaimed as she continued to walk the streets of magnolia and towards what looked like a giant park. As she neared the park she had noticed a pair of footsteps that had been in sync with hers for a while now, when she would look over her shoulder there was no one there. She decided to pick up her pace a bit and hide behind a nearby tree and waited for the person who had been following her and jump him/her. Levy readied herself and listened for the footsteps once again.

“3…2…1…NOW!” levy yelled out as she jumped on the mysterious person and flipped him/her onto his/her back and pinned them there, boy was she shocked when she saw who it was.

“G-Gajeel!? What are you doing here!? Why were you following me!?” Levy yelled while still having him pinned to the ground. 

“Well I’ll tell ya once ya get offa me ya shrimp!” Gajeel yelled back while rolling onto his side and getting levy off of him in the process.

Levy stood up and patted the dirt off her bum and dress before offering a hand to Gajeel to help him up. Gajeel grabbed her hand and stood up and dusted himself off before glaring at her.

“WHUT’D YA JUMP ME FOR HUH SHRIMP!?” Gajeel bellowed at her.

“BECAUSE I KNEW SOMEONE WAS FOLLOWING ME AND I WANTED TO KNOW WHY! I DIDN’T KNOW IT WAS YOU, YOU STUPID METAL HEAD!” Levy bellowed back, earning her a few stares from passer bys. Levy blushed and took a step back when she had realized how close their faces were while they were yelling at each other. She looked down at the ground and fidgeted a bit before looking at Gajeel again.

“Why were you following me anyways metal head?” levy asked while looking up at him and raising her eyebrow.

“one, stop callin’ me metal head and two the Master had me follow you since your new in town and he didn’t want you getting’ lost or somethin’” he said while looking away from her. Levy studied him for a while before turning around and walking off without saying another word. Gajeel had noticed her walking off and jogged a bit to catch up to where she was. They continued to walk in silence with a few ‘wow’s and ‘cool’s coming from levy. Soon enough it was noon and the sun was at its peak of the day when levy decided to take a break at a nearby bench.

“this town is amazing! There’s so much here and so much more to discover, its like a giant book that has untold mysteries until you open it and start reading!” Levy said with a giant smile plastered on her face as she looked up at the clear blue sky with a few clouds here and there. While admiring the clouds she heard a chuckle come from the dragon slayer next to her.

“What are you laughing at metal head?” Levy asked.

“You make magnolia sound like something out of a Fairy tale or somethin” Gajeel said as he smirked at the blue haired girl.

“well it is, or at least to me it is. It’s a new place for me since ive lived in clover my entire life. I never really traveled and even if I did it was probably while I was still a baby because I don’t remember much. “ Levy said while looking over towards a women who was carrying a small child in her arms while rocking it back and forth. Gajeel looked at her with a sort of understanding, though he didn’t lose his parents because of death or at least he thought it wasn’t because of that. He understands what she’s going through, but he would never admit to it because he didn’t want to be seen as a big softy. Before Gajeel could say anything, an ear piercing scream was heard from the forest.

“t-that sounded like Lucy!” levy stood up and ran towards the beginning of the forest but before she could go into it she felt someone grab her hand.

“Wait! You can’t just go in there without knowing what could happen!” Gajeel said while still holding onto her hand to make sure she doesn’t go anywhere.

“But that was Lucy’s scream! I have to help her!” Levy cried out with tears brimming her eyes.

“Listen to me Levy, go back to the guild and get the Master and everyone else. Tell them where you heard Lucy’s scream.”Gajeel said in a calm voice before running off into the forest. Levy stood there for a few seconds before running back towards the guild, hoping she will get there in time to get help for her friend.


ALL DONE! With this chappie that is!

I hope you guys like this chapter and vote, comment, all that good stuff and let me know what ya think! Don’t forget to tell me if you want me to write a story about FBI Agents or High School Drama!


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