A new friend?

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Ok so my story has only been out for like what, 3-4 hours maybe I don’t remember, but I am REALLY happy you guys are reading it. For some reason I kept getting ideas so I said, what the heck might as well put up the next chappie while I’m at it ^o^

Well here ya go, hope you guys like it and don’t forget to comment below!!


Chapter 2: A new friend?

It’s been a week since Mr. Delve took Lucy down to the basement. Levy was told to continue with her daily activities. Mr. Delve threatened levy by taking a hot metal rod and pressing it to her skin saying if she was to ever tell anyone the same thing that’s gonna happen to Lucy was gonna happen to her as well.

“Man…when is that stupid troll face gonna let lucy go?” levy was talking to herself as she walked the streets of Clover before heading home.

“UGH! If only I wasn’t so weak I could-!” before levy could finish her sentence she bumped into someone and fell back.

“ow ow ow, that really hurt” levy said as she opened one of her eyes to see who she had bumped into and before she could even apologize the person jumped up and starting yelling.

“Watch where ya goin ya shrimp!” the boy had yelled out while rubbing his head a bit and wincing in pain as he did so. Levy opened her other eyes so that she could get a good look of him, he seemed to be a year or so older than she was and his hear was black as the night sky. His eyes were as red as blood and HE HAD PEIRCINGS!? Levy thought to herself as she continued to look at him, but she stopped thinking to herself once she realized what he had just called her.

“Did you just call me shrimp? My name isn’t shrimp you metal head, its Levy!” she said as she stood up waving a fist at him. The boy just looked at her and smirked a bit at her which made her blush a little.

“The names Gajeel, nice meetin’ ya shrimp” Gajeel said as he waved to levy before walking off with a huge grin on his face.

“I don’t like him..aaaaah I don’t have time for this.” Levy said as she ruffled her own hair and stretched her arms out a bit.

“Who was that boy anyways? I’ve never seen him around here before...” levy thought to herself as she started walking again, little did she know that said boy was jumping from rooftop to rooftop following her. When levy got onto the street that lead to the orphanage a certain blonde head caught her attention and when she realized who it was her eyes started to water and she bolted to the house jumping on the blonde when she got to the steps.

“LUCY! He let you out today!?” levy asked as she buried her face into lucys shirt and clung to her like there was no tomorrow.

“Geez levy don’t hug me too tightly” lucy said as she hugged levy back but winced a bit in the process. Levy then looked up at lucy and her eyes widen in utter horror, lucy’s arms where covered in bruises going up and down and a few on her legs. But what horrified levy the most was the small batch of blood that seemed to be seeping out of lucy’s shirt. Levy lifted up her shirt and cried out.

“What did he do to you Lucy!?” said girl pulled her shirt down and just waved a hand to levy.

“Don’t worry about it levy, I’m fine” Lucy said as she smiled her sweet smile.

“Don’t you think you should go to the hospital and get that checked out?” a small yes gruff voice said behind levy and lucy. Both girls turned around to see a very short old man with white hair and a young boy (aka the one levy met) with black hair standing at the base of the stairs.

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