Chapter 11

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It's already dark outside yet Eunjung is still not home.

Qri and I we're here in her house.

We have to make up an excuse to grandpa earlier why she's not with us.

"I wanna go home now. Where is that kid?" I ask Qri and she just shrugged.

She's looking at her phone with a frown on her face.

"What's wrong?" I ask.

"Huh?...Nothing" She said and keep her phone inside her bag.

Something's wrong.

I was about to ask further but ....

"You guys are here"

Eunjung arrive.

"Where have you been? We have to lie on grandpa because we don't know where you are and you're also not picking up your phone" Qri said.

I just look at Eunjung and nodded agreeing with Qri.

"I was outside" She said.

"With whom?" I ask.

"With Jiyeon." She said and slump herself on the sofa then close her eyes.

She was with Jiyeon?

Qri and I look at each other.

That's why Jiyeon is absent too this afternoon.

"You ditch class with Jiyeon? Why? I thought you're just meeting someone who could give you answers" Qri said.

By the tone of her voice right now I could tell that she's angry at something.

Probably not because of Eunjung but with something else.

"Why you're sound so mad about it?!" Eunjung raised her voice on Qri.

"Hey. Ri I guess you could go home now. I'll talk to her" I said to Qri..

She just sighed and left.

"What is wrong with her?" Eunjung irritably ask.

"I don't know but it's definitely not because of you. She had been staring at her phone with a frown on her face while we're waiting for you her. Might be some trouble" I said and sat beside Eunjung.

Qri is the most approachable in the three of us but she's also the most private one.

She tends to keep her other side by herself and shows her cheerful side. The one who always wants to go on with the flaw.

She's really good in hiding what she feels.

"So uhm. You were with Jiyeon?" I said.

"Yeah...But don't get it wrong Rambo. We're not dating or something. I don't date dinosaurs" She said.

I just smile and nod.

"I'm serious. I'm not into her. She's yours" She said again and tap my shoulder.

"It's good that we're clear. I don't want what happen before happen again" I said.

"Huh? What do you mean by what happen before?" She curiously ask.

That made me realize what I did just said.

" why did you go out with Jiyeon?" I just ask changing the topic.

I almost spill Qri's secret to her.


"I did ask help about Siwon." She said.

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