Chapter 1

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Lets just say I was pissed last night. Hey, was I supposed to spend the last day of break, sober, at home, doing work? you've got the wrong girl. The Tap 07 was the place to be when you wanted a good time, In more ways than one.. If you know what I mean. Anyway, One minute I was eyeing up this beautiful guy on the other side of the bar , although that could be the drinks talking, and the next I was pushed up against the bathroom mirrors with our tongues shoved down the others throat. Now, that sounds revolting, I know, but it was far from it. He was so gentle as his fair skin caressed my inner thigh, whilst the other was running through my auburn hair. It was like something you'd read in a romance novel. The night was cut short by a riot in the bar, we were separated and I knew I would never see him again.

I woke up, eyes crusty accompanied by the feeling I had been crushed by an elephant... But an amazing night from a simple stranger does that to you. Clambering out of bed, I lazily put on some denim shorts, peach vest top and my white convers. Finally, I tied my red flannel top around my waist and went downstairs.

"Look who's finally risen from the dead." I heard the familiar voice of Angie ,my roommate, as I entered the archway leading into the kitchen. I just glared at her as I took a seat at the breakfast bar, I was not a morning person, as she slid a cup of coffee and a bagel over in my direction. The first sip of the coffee was enough to wake me up instantly, "Better?" she asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Better." I said as I looked at her from the rim of my cup. "You get any sleep last night?"

She took the empty seat next to me at the breakfast bar "Not a peep. I should ask. How about you but I know you didn't" She winked at me.

"How dare you Angela Motgomery. How could you accuse me of such a thing?"

She raised an eyebrow and laughed "So, How was it? I want details"

"Jesus I'm not a porn magazine Angie. But it was magical and that's all I'm saying." I took a bit of my bagel and set it down "Don't we have that new English teacher starting today?" I brought my cup closer to my lips "I hope he's hot" and took a sip. As soon as I spoke my coffee was sprayed all over the kitchen floor, due to a hand whacking the back of my head. "Jasmine Williams! How dare you think such foul thoughts. Especially after last night."

I rubbed the back of my head "Jesus Christ Angie. I was just saying what you were thinking. And it's not like I'll see 'bar' man again." I looked at her and she looked at me in disapproval. I rose an eyebrow and she rolled her eyes, laughing in the process which then lead to us both aching with laughter. "Okay, you have a good point but don't be disappointed when he turns out to be in his late forties." She said rising from her seat to collect her bag. I downed my coffee "I'll try my best." I rammed the bagel into my mouth, grabbed my bag and caught up with Angie, who had gotten a head start.

I waltzed into my form room, It was a chemistry class ,which based in the science block, so tripods and various Bunsen burners were scattered around the room. Registration was pointless. All it did was to show other teachers that we didn't skive the school day. Bullshit. This school didn't give two shits if you were in class or not. The bell rang and a sigh of relief swept over the room as everyone pushed towards the door.

First period. English.

As I entered the classroom, Angie walked up next to me "He's not in here yet. What do you think he'll be like?"

"I think he'll be super strict and when he punishes you for being a bad girl, he'll throw you over the table and spank you until you are good. That's what you'd want" I chuckled as I saw , Once again, the disapproval in her eyes. "Sometimes I wonder why I'm still friends with you."

"Well, I pay rent for the house we both live in."

"Oh, yeah" I rolled my eyes as we took our places at the back of the class. I crossed my legs and looked at my paper, as the class heard the door swing open. Everything was silent but quickly turned into a collective whisper. My eyes stayed on the paper as the teacher cleared his throat and said "Hello class. My name is Mr. Lawson." Something was oddly familiar about the voice that I couldn't place my finger on. So, I looked up to see he was facing to board writing in large letters his name. I put down my pen and lent back in my chair, interested on who this mystery teacher was. From the back of his head he looked to be early twenties not too far from my age, His dark blonde hair told me so. "And i'm going to be your new English teacher." He spun round to face the class "Now I expe-" His eyes locked on mine and mine on his.

'Bar' man

Out of all the possible people this man could be the gods had to choose him to teach me. This was wrong on so many levels. I brought my eyes down to my paper and he quickly brought back his sentence "I expect respect from this class and I will give it to you in return." Throughout his entire 'speech' I felt his eyes burning into me.


Why me.

The class felt a lot longer than it should be. I could feel Angie nudging me constantly but I had nothing to say. My body felt so shocked that I couldn't move, talk, heck I didn't even think I was breathing at one point. I felt his gaze every so often on me. I didn't feel uncomfortable, I felt numb. The bell rang and everyone got up to leave. Definitely including myself. I was the first at the door and I never felt so happy to be there.

Until, I heard a voice

His voice.

"Miss Williams. Can I have a word." That feeling of numbness returned. As a turned on my heel and walked towards his desk. I could feel his ice blue eyes pierce through me. As everyone else left the room, He rose from his desk and opened the door to his office, I stepped inside and stood there. looking at the back wall of the room. I heard the click of the door closing as he stood in front of me, waiting for me to say something. After a while, I finally gave in and looked him in the eye.

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