Chapter 3

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As the car drove off, reality came crashing in. This whole meeting could be a complete set up by some of the dicks at my school, It could be kidnappers, Why the fuck was I here? I looked down the road, The car which drove me here was no where to be seen. I started walking deeper into the outskirts of town "Yup, I am most definitely.., going to die."

Just then I heard a crunch from behind a tree to my left. "Who's there?" I moved closer to the tree and I felt a pair of hands slip around my waist. I screamed and turned around to face the stranger


"Fucking hell. Did you have to make that big of an entrance?" I was greeted by his soft lips on the corner of my mouth. "Hello to you too Miss Williams." He chuckled and kissed me again, softly. "There is such thing as texting, Have you heard of it?" I giggled 

"Oh but where's the fun in that? A little mystery never hurt anyone" He raised an eyebrow that sly smirk on his face "Well seeing as though I thought I was going to get murdered when I got here... I'd say that it can hurt someone mentally." He stared at me like he got lost in my sentence "I'm an English teacher. Not a psychology teacher."  We chuckled and a smirk dashed across my face as I said "So, Did you drag me out here so I can insult you? Or did you have something planned?" I placed a hand on his chest and looked into his eyes, those eyes which captured the stars, which captured me. "Well, I thought that we never got to know each other well enough. I mean personality and interest wise. So I booked us a reservation at Tayyabs. It's a little Indian restaurant on the outskirts of the next town." Mm mm, Indian, I snapped out of my food fantasy. "How did you know that was my favourite." 

"I have my resources." He smiled and took my hand, leading me further into the outskirts of town. When we stopped at a road , I noticed a very similar Bugatti Veyron. The driver stepped out and smiled at me "Hello again, ma'am." He curtsied jokingly. I giggled and returned the curtsy "Fancy seeing you here." We both laughed and Jake exchanged glances between the two of us, A look of confusion on his face "Umm, Jas this is Adam. Adam this is Jas." I waved slightly  "Hello." Jake opened the car door and I took a seat, He followed me shortly after.

Adam, Started the engine and Jake placed a hand on my thigh, I moved closer to him, Breathing in his cologne. He wrapped and arm around my shoulder and planted a kiss on my head. We just sat there for most of the journey listening to the other's steady breath, breathing in their sent. The car came to a stop and Adam looked at us in the rear view mirror and said "Enjoy the rest of your evening." I smiled at him and exited the car.

The instant scent of spices flooded my nose as I felt a hand reach round my waist. I linked my arm with Jake's as we walked into the restaurant. We were greeted by a very energetic waiter "Ah, Mr. Lawson it's wonderful to see you again." He's eyes drifted to me  "Oh, and with a beautiful young lady. I'll give the happy couple the best seat in the house. How does that sound. Oh, and tell you what I'll give you a bottle of wine. On the house!" He clapped his hands and brought us to our table. "I'll be right back." He dashed over to the other side of the restaurant and brought us a bottle of Red Wine, He gave us both a menu and scurried off "He's, umm.. Very cheerful." I giggled and Jake filled up my glass and smile on his face. He chuckled "Yeah. His name is Paandu. He's known me for most of my life. I've been going here since I was a kid. He's always very eager." I smiled and glanced at the menu. "Must be nice to see a familiar face whilst dinning." He took my hand as he looked at his menu as well "All I see is the delightful food surrounding me." I could've sworn I heard him purr at the thought. I blushed, and continued scanning my menu.

Paandu came over to our table "So what can I get for the two lovebirds?" He took out his note pad and looked at me first "Oh, I'll just have the chicken Tikka Masala." Our eyes shifted to Jake "And I'll have the pork Vindaloo." He smiled and handed our menus to Paandu. who exchanged the smile and waltzed to the kitchen. "Going a little spicy tonight I see." I said a smirk plastered on my face "Please I'm saving that for later." I smiled shyly. His hand clasped my outstretched hand on the table. "So, You said you wanted to get to know each other... More than we already do."

"Mmmhmm," I balanced my head on my free hand, "What's your favourite colour?" He said jokingly "Lilac, but come on! That's so generic. Try a bit harder" I chuckled

"Okay., Okay..." he paused for a while. As if thinking about the most specific question which could mean life or death.. Then finally he spoke... "Cat or Dog person?"

So this was the road we were taking. I let out a sigh. "Both."

"Ah. Dogs. Forest or river?"

"River.." The remainder of the night was exchanging glances over dinner, More random questions and alcohol... Lots and lots of alcohol.

As the meal came to an end, We left the restaurant, giggling like school girls,  Paandu waving us out. Adam was parked outside the door already open, Waiting for us. I pulled him into the car by his tie and he pinned me against the seat of the car, kissing my neck. He pulled away and stared into my eyes, That same smirk on his face "Drives us home Adam." Then he returned to me as we drove back towards town.

His house was huge, The neighbourhood was quiet, all except for the fumbling of his keys and me loudly shushing him. As soon as the door opened, He pinned me against the wall and kicked it shut. I franticly unbuttoned his shirt as he slid a hand up my thigh, bringing my dress up with it. His lips came in contact with mine again and I ran a hand down his chest, those muscles sending shivers through my body. He began to explore my bare body. He travelled down my neck, Over my chest and down the my waist. "Jake..." I breathed, A plea. I dug my nails into his shoulder as he unleashed himself on me. 

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