Chapter 4

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The Winchester brothers pulled into a park across from the apartment complex. Shutting off the Impala, Dean all but leapt out then headed to the trunk to unload. They both grabbed shotguns loaded with rock salt, a few knives, and other little things. They weren't completely sure what they were up against.

"You take the back, I'll go through the front." Dean stated once they entered the apartment complex, looking around for the famous Camaro.

"Ok and don't shoot first then ask questions later," Sam replied.

Dean brushed him off, "yeah yeah..."

"I'm serious Dean! They may be human-" he began only to get cut off by him whistling. Sam huffed and jogged to catch up. In the corner of the complex was the cherry red hot rod they were looking for. And Dean was ogling it...practically drooling.

"If I wasn't already committed to the Impala..." he said, tracing the phoenix pattern on the hood of the car.

Sam cleared his throat, "Uh, Dean? The chick that you think is a witch owns that car, remember?" Sam stated.

Dean retracted his arm as if he was burned, "right, let's move," he stated as he took a chance and went for the room directly in front of the parked car while Sam ran around back.

Blinds blocked the front window and Dean looked in, hoping to find a gap within. Luckily, he caught a glimpse of a certain red head walking around. He growled then went straight for the front door. The hell with Sam's plan.

Taking a deep breath, Dean kicked the door in. Wood splinters went everywhere as the door slammed inward. Dean had his shot gun ready, aimed at the hall. The sound of rushed footsteps headed his way and he cocked the weapon.

A flash of red hair appeared as she shouted. Stopping short, Nicole let out a gasp as she dived behind the couch while Dean shot where she stood.

"What the fuck?!" She yelled from behind the couch. She dug around, getting a grip on her machete as he re-cocked his gun.

"Didn't think I'd find your lair, eh witch?" Dean said, moving slowly to where she hid.

"Dean? Witch? What the hell are you talking about..." she trailed off, rolling to the side just as he appeared. Leaping up, she threw a dagger at his hand, making him drop his gun.

"Ah, damnit!" He yelled. Facing her, Dean sized up the situation. She just sliced the top of his hand and now she was wielding an even bigger weapon. Not giving him a chance to attack, Nicole screamed and started swinging. Dean dodged and side stepped her blows, knocking over furniture.

She eventually backed him into a corner and she stood before him, panting heavily. Raising her arms, she swung low. Dean tucked and rolled as her machete came in contact with the wall. Nicole growled as she struggled to yank the machete from the plaster.

Seeing an opening, Dean tackled Nicole to the ground. Rolling a few times, she ended up on top as she kicked and punched. Dean blocked most of the blows and grabbed her wrists, ceasing the bloodied fists. Thrusting upward, he rolled them again before head butting Nicole. Dean groaned, rolling away as she rubbed her forehead.

"Ah, fuck me..." Nicole groaned, struggling to stand.

"Not interested anymore..." Dean replied, doing the same.

"That wasn't an offer fucktard," she said, finally on her feet, swaying slightly. Dean was on his a few feet away, seeing stars of his own.

"Well, whatever witch," he huffed.

"I'm not a witch you asshole! I'm the last person that would be one..." she replied, feeling a bit steadier. "And what the hell are you doing here? How did you know where I lived?"

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