Chapter 9

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"How could you?!" Toni boomed. "Five years Nicole! Five fucking years!" Toni swore. The curse was strange on her tongue; Toni never swore till that day.

Toni was being restrained by Sam while Bobby helped Nicole stand. Dean stood between the two, facing a disoriented Nicole. Toni struggled in Sam's arms practically foaming at the mouth while her sister was seeing stars.

"Shit Toni! And I thought I was heavy handed," she said as she rubbed her swollen cheek. "But I deserved it..."

"You're damn right you did!" She spat, reaching past Dean to grab her. "Let me go Sam!"

"Not until you calm down!" He yelled back.

"I say we let them duke it out," Dean stated earning a look from Sam. "What? Works for us,"

"There will be no more fighting in my kitchen! If ya'll want to box, head outside!" Bobby yelled. He grabbed another beer and left the room. "Damn idjits," he muttered.

Dean cleared his throat, "let's get some ice for that welt," he said as pulled Nicole outside to the icebox leaving Toni and Sam alone in the kitchen.

Toni sighed as she slouched against Sam. "Can you release me now please Sammy..."

He obliged, directing her to a nearby chair. He popped open a pair of beers, handing one to Toni who graciously accepted. Toni took a heavy sip, scrunching up her nose at the bitter taste. She brought the bottle to her temple, relishing in the coolness.

"You've held that in for awhile huh?"

"Held what in for awhile?"

"Your anger for your sister," Sam stated, his eyes focused on her. Toni peeled at the label on her bottle, not wanting to give anything away. "Remember I have an older sibling too, I can tell that you've been holding a lot in," he paused, bringing a hand to cover hers, "we talked before and I'm more than willing to listen,"

Warmth spread from her hand to the rest of her body at his soft touch. Her sapphire blue eyes welled up with tears as she faced Sam who was rubbing little circles on the top of her hand, his hazel green orbs focused on her. Toni did have a lot of resentment for her sister, close to a decade's worth. Is that something she can really unload onto Sam who had his own problems?

Toni sniffed, "honestly Sam, how do you deal?"

Sam laughed without humor, "honestly?"

"Yeah, how?"

"I don't know." He stated, shaking his head. "Aside from our dad, he's all I got...all I ever had and I'm just rolling with it at this point,"

Toni scoffed, "that's helpful..." she relied, taking another swig of her beer.

"Well, we can learn together. How does that sound?" Sam asked sweetly.

Toni bit her cheek then raised her drink to click with Sam's. "For now, I can do that," she smiled.


Nicole sat on an old bar stool while Dean filled up an ice pack for the large bruise on her cheek. Whether by chance or planning, Toni smacked the side that already had a scar...she wasn't sure if it was a message or perhaps kindness, she really didn't need a matching pair.

"Fuck!" Nicole hissed as Dean placed the ice pack on her cheek.

"Sorry, I suck at bedside manner,"

"No shit Sherlock," she grumbled, taking it from Dean's hands.

"Your welcome," he replied in the same tone, turning to leave.


Dean stilled, rotating on his heels to face her. He crossed his arms and tapped his foot, growing impatient with each passing second.

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