Chapter 7

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Author's Note: Ok. I keep forgetting to add this little message  (yes yes, shame on me *throws fire*) but I get so excited! Anyways, if it's not too my lovelies out there! If you are totally loving this story (which I truly hope), pretty please don't forget to vote/comment/fave/share! I really appreciate and they fill me with so much joy. Much love and thanks ^_^

"Uh, Brie? I think I'm gonna leave-" Toni talked loudly only to get her mouth covered by her drunk friend, Briana.

"No! All you've been doing is studying! These are your twenties! You have to enjoy them!" She squealed happily earning a few cheers from the rest of the kitchen patrons.

Toni rolled her eyes at her friend's comment. She was barely in her twenties, well, as of six months ago. And yes, she had been studying too much. But can she really be blamed for it? Toni was planning on transferring to the state school next year...if the scholarship went through.

Toni had been nose deep in one of her med books when Brie made an appearance. Toni was usually at the library in between classes which made it easy for Brie to find her. Her friend had snatched up her book and served her an ultimatum: since Toni had bailed on other parties since their year long friendship, Toni had to attend that one or they were no longer friends.

Rather than ignore Brie's dramatics, Toni finally caved. She sighed as her mind drifted back to that poor decision verses focusing on the costume party she was currently at. Police officers, devils, vamps, witches, and other different creatures roamed around her; some with clothes, some with barely any.

Halloween was never really her thing growing up since October was the month her mother passed away. She didn't remember her mother much since she was a baby when she died in the accident. A fire of all things! Shaking her head, she tried to shake her mother from her thoughts as well. It wasn't a time for that.

"Toni! Ton-Ton! Space case, come back to planet Earth!" Brie shook her hand in front of Toni's face. "Toni, where do you go?" She asked as she adjusted her halo on her blonde head. Brie was currently donning a skin tight white strapless dress, white fishnets, and white go-go boots. Far from angelic in Toni's opinion.

"Sorry," Toni mumbled softly. "Just admiring all the costumes..." she said sarcastically.

Brie scoffed, "Mmhmm, you could learn something nina," she looked up and down Toni's simple ensemble.

"What? I didn't have time to look for a costume!" 'And I had no plans of attending' she thought to herself. Looking down, she thought she did well for a last minute costume. Black tank, black jeans, and lace up combat boots paired with an old leather jacket.

"What are you supposed to be again?"

"A hunter."

"Wow, that's sexy," a voice purred behind her. Brie's jaw dropped as Toni turned to the voice. Standing at 6'4 was Micah Lawrence, the school's head football captain, quarterback, and president of the fraternity that hosted the party. Tanned and muscled, he was currently dressed in a ripped flannel, low rise jeans, and cowboy boots as he eyed Toni up and down.

It took Brie jabbing Toni's side to get her to respond. "Uh, thanks!" Toni replied, forcing a smile to her face. "My name is Toni," she thrust her hand out for him to shake.

"Micah," he said, returning the gesture. "So, I haven't seen you at the parties before..." he said moving to stand beside her. "You aren't a freshman are you?"

"No, I'm in my third year actually," she replied, having to look up at him. He nodded, visually relaxing. "Would it be bad if I said otherwise?"

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