Dean and Nicole mulled over Bobby's words as he took a deep swig from his flask. He wasn't kidding, this was a BIG problem. The demons were getting bolder, but for what reason? The demon Nicole exorcised must've been telling the truth...they did have some master plan.
"Boy, I picked a grand time to come out of retirement..." Nicole muttered.
Dean snorted at her words. "We need all the help we can get. Bobby, what are-"
The sound of loud barking cut him off as they each froze, looking at each other. "Rumsfield?" Bobby called. The barking continued as Bobby goes over to the front window just as the barks cut to a loud whine.
Pausing, he looks out the window. "What is it?" He asks more to himself, seeing the chain hanging broken and the dog nowhere in sight. He shook his head, "something's wrong..."
At that moment, the front door gets kicked in, slamming into the ground. Dean quickly stepped in front of Nicole with a flask of his own while she pulled her knife from her back pocket. A woman with close cropped blonde hair and dark eyes strolled in like the place was hers.
She faced the trio with a sneer. "No more crap, ok?"
Stepping from behind Dean did Nicole get a good look. "Megan?" She asked in wonder.
"I go by Meg now." Her eyes flashing black as she looked her up and down. "Do you still go by Nikita?"
Nicole squared her shoulders and dove in fast, knife ready. Meg sighed as she raised her hand and sent Nicole flying to a nearby wall. Seeing an opening, Dean comes at her next with an open flask, but Meg hits him and sends him flying into a stack of books, knocking him out.
"Are you gonna try to attack too?" Meg asked, looking at Bobby. Before he could answer, she raised a hand to stop him. "I wouldn't." She paused, now looking towards the kitchen. "Might as well come out and join the party Sam!" She called.
Sam and Toni made it inside the house just as Meg did. Hoping for a sneak attack, they lingered closer to the wall. Toni's heart pounded as Meg called him out. Holding a finger in front of his lips in a 'sh' motion, Sam stepped out into the living room, placing himself between Bobby and Meg.
"Ah, good to see you Sammy," Meg grinned. "Let's cut to the chase. I want the Colt, Sam...the real Colt. Right. Now." Sam and Bobby are slowly moving across the room as Meg follows them, her back to the hallway Toni was in.
"We don't have it on us. We buried it." Sam replied, his eyes on Meg.
Meg growled at them. "Didn't I say no more crap?!" She yelled, pacing before them.
Slowly, Toni inched out of the hall till she was at the opening to the room. The demon Meg luckily had her back to Toni while Sam and Bobby kept her attention. Looking to the side, she saw that Dean was coming to and had crawled to her sister's side. Toni gulped, noticing blood pooling from Nicole's head. Just like the blood, Toni saw red.
"I swear!" Meg ranted, glaring at Sam. "After everything I heard about you Winchesters, I got to tell you, I'm a little underwhelmed! First Johnny tries to pawn off a fake gun and then he leaves the real gun with you two chuckleheads." She scoffed.
Sam clicked his jaw, hoping their plan would work. What he didn't count on was Toni making an appearance. He kept his expression neutral as she was fully visible, already having an idea on her course of action.
"Such lackluster, men!" Meg continued, seemingly oblivious to Toni's presence. "I mean, did you really think I wouldn't find you?" She paused, giving them a look. Then in a flash, she turned just as Toni used her power to shove Meg off her feet.

Gamble, Book One
Fiksi Penggemar"Ok, now you've been properly screwed. And here I thought you would be a challenge," Nicole said with a click of her tongue. "Pity." "Double or nothing." Dean stated firmly. "Awe, don't be a spoil sport! We shook fair and-" "Five hundred dollars, on...