Chapter 16: sleepovers and plots

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Mali's Pov.

Gilbert and Laurel had left together, and Raven and Alois were going to have a sleep over in our dorm. I want them to be alone, I could sense this ship and I was hoping one day it's would sail.

"Goodnight!" I waved to them as the left. After they were gone me it finally occurred to me. "wait, where the hell am I sleeping now!?" I yelled.

"I guess you could sleep in my dorm, I don't have a roommate because everyone that asked were assholes and left for stupid reasons!" He said

"Are you sure they were the problem?" I smirked

"Shut up! Fuck I take it back, you can sleep on a bench...." he started to leave.

"No, wait! Lovi!" I ran and hugged him from behind "I don't want to sleep on a bench" I pouted

"Fine fucking come on then...." He said holding his hand out to me. I took it and followed him. We made small talk as we walked, it wasn't uncomfortable per say but it wasn't comfortable either. There was alway that one question that no one answered.....

What were we?

"So....Mali....?" Lovino started

"Yes?" I asked

"I was um.....not that I fucking care but.... wha-" before he could finish, he collided into someone. Sending both flaying backwards to the ground.

"Fuck! bastard! Watch where your going!" Lovi cursed.

"Why don't you go to sleep!" The other yelled.

He looked up to glare but his face soon went blank as he saw the person that had ran into him.

Jeff The Killer.

"Jeff no threatening people, we have places to go!" A boy in a blue mask said, helping Jeff up, his name was Jack...I think.

"He's the one who fucking walked into to me!" he yelled

"Lovi! Don't yell at people!" I yelled, helping him up.

"We're very sorry," I apologize "right!?" I nudged Lovino.

"Yes..completely"he said, his voice was laced with sarcasm, I glared slightly at him and rolled my eyes.

"Now let's go" I dragged Lovi away.

As soon as we were out of sight, I sighed and turned to Lovi.

"Boy what is wrong with you?" I asked "you can't go around yelling at killers! They will, well kill you!"

"No shit Sherlock!" he sighed "I don't see why they can get away with stuff just because they kill for a living....." He mumbled

"Your so childish" I sighed

"I'm fucking not!" He pouted.

"You are too!" I said

"Am not!" He retorted

"Are to- are we really doing this...." I giggled

"I don't know are we?" Lovi said cracking a smile, that he tried to hide. We soon started laughing for no god damn reason, once we stopped, Lovi grabbed my hand and pulled me down the hall.

"Let's go to my room already, and I promise not to yell at anymore fucking psychopaths" I laughed, and followed him.

Once we got to his room we decided to watch a movie but nether of us could keep our eyes open, so we decided to go to bed.

"So where shall I sleep?" I asked, he pointed to a bed across from his. I nodded and hopped into it, I could tell no one has slept in it for awhile.

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