Chapter 1: Surprise Visit and Plans for Percy Jackson

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Olympius Throne Room after the war with Gaea

The Gods has their usually arguments except for Athena who was been ignoring Poseidon and just reading a book trying ignoring everything and ready go home to her immortal husband Tommy Oliver and their three teenage halfling daughters Emily, Melody and Olivia who are half power ranger and half goddess. Plus, the rest of Olympians except for Hestia doesn't know about this mostly Zeus, Hera, Artemis and Aphrodite and also, Athena is staying little longer because of Bloom coming here for a surprise vistit that she knows about to.

"Athena, why are you ignoring my questions that I ask you?" Ask Poseidon with an raise eye brow.

"Hmm. I'm sorry what was the question?" Ask Athena as she took her eyes off her book and look up at Poseidon.

Sign "I have been noticing and others know about this, that you have change a lot past 17 years and you look different. It's like you don't want to be here anymore unless it's an emergency. Why is that?" Ask Poseidon that he been noticing this since back in 98' that Athena acting different and starting to change and he even noticing that Athena never stay her tempal anymore and being nice to his son Percy. Athena wasn't shock about this question that Poseidon ask because she knew one day that this will come and she about to answer him until she saw a magical portal appeared middle of the floor and a girl with fire red hair appeared after the portal disppeared.

"WHO DARES ENTER THRONE ROOM OF THE GODS!" Thundered Zeus as he got his thunder bolt at the ready just in case if this person try attack.

"Zeus you better put that toy of yours down before I use my dragon fire bast destroy it without you knowing it was gone." Said Bloom is 21 years old with ocean blue eyes and fire long red hair, her clothing blue dress shirt and black dress pants and 3in red hill boots. Bloom is the reincarnation of the Great Dragon herself and she became immortal and gain her memories back after she turn 18 and she been single since she find out that bastard Sky is a lier and cheater and she dethrone and band him rest of his life that he never return to the throne because she put her sister Daphne and Daphne's husband Thorn as the next King and Queen of Ekrakion.

"Lady Bloom! I didn't know it was you, please I beg of you don't destroy me for my idoitic way and rude behavior. I am very sorry! I did keep peace treaty updated every year! Please I don't want to faded." Said Zeus as grow down to his human size and bow down on his hands and knees to beg for his life.

"Zeus! Get your ass off the floor and act like adult for once because you emparessing yourself to everyone." Said Bloom with an grin on her face and saw everyone was laughing at Zeus for his foolishness. Zeus did listen get off the floor with a red face and he is very frighten of Bloom because of what happen 6,000 years ago of his own mistakes.

"I came here not because of the peace treaty that you caused Zeus but something else that me and other pantheons had predicted that I need started on before it happens." Said Bloom.

"Like what Lady Bloom?" Ask Hera.

"I like to claim Percy Jackson, son of Poseidon and hero of olympus as my Champion and arrange marriage for him to marry me and each women of different pantheons and even mortal women that I know of that I can turn them immortals as well." Said Bloom as saw everyone except for Athena was shock.

"DO WHAT?! YOU CAN'T DO THAT!" Yelled Aphrodite.

"And why not? It's because that you want percy for yourself that pissing me and others off, you bitching whore!" Said Bloom with the fire ignited in her eyes that caused them flash red that means she is pissed off.

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