Scene 46 The Caillie Oiche

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Silver-gray in the bright moonlight, the forest canopy fills the darkened world as far as Brigid can see. She looks up, trying to see what kind of creature is holding her. She cannot see beyond a great white-feathered belly. 

Barely a meter away, the boar flails wildly against its captivity and the talon begins to lose its grasp. The talon holding Brigid suddenly opens. 

Brigid plummets. Screaming and gasping for breath.

Turning in the air, Brigid sees an owl the size of a barn grasp the boar tightly in both talons before closing its wings and diving straight at Brigid, gaining on her quickly. 

Brigid flails wildly. Her pajama shirt pocket puffs open. 

The berries drop out. 


The berries graze her nose as they fall but she cannot grasp them. 

The owl closes in. 

Brigid screams.

The bird plummets past then swoops back up and catches Brigid on her back. Trembling, Brigid holds on to the stalks of two giant white feathers and SOBS raggedly until she is buffeted over the head by a huge feather. 

Brigid turns to see what is happening and is boffed by another feather and ducks a third as the owl's head begins to turn. Slowly, the owl's head comes half-circle, turning its satellite-dish eyes on the tiny girl burrowed into the feathers on its back. 

Brigid stares up at the creature, speechless in her fear. 

CALLIE OICHE: Oo jopped dis. 

BRIGID: W-What? 

CALLIE OICHE: Oo jopped dis. 

The owl wiggles its beak. The tiny sprig of berries gripped delicately in the birds mighty beak. 

BRIGID: OH! Thank you! 

Brigid scrambles up the birds face and plucks the sprig from the beak. 

BRIGID: Thank you so much! 

The owl's human voice is as soft and deep as her bird hoot. 

CALLIE OICHE: Any enemy of the Shadowkeeper is a friend of mine. Now, if you wouldn't mind getting off my face... 

BRIGID: Oh, sorry. 

Brigid scrambles back down the owl's neck as the owl faces front again then climbs back up to the bird's shoulder. Brigid shouts over the wind. 

BRIGID: How did you know the Shadowkeeper is my enemy?

CALLIE OICHE: She is in the pigs ear, making him mad. What does she want with you? 

BRIGID: I'm trying to rescue my brother from her. I was looking for the Callie Oiche - I have a feeling that's you. 

CALLIE OICHE: Your feeling is right. 

BRIGID: I'm Brigid Taylor. 

The CALLIE OICHE glances back briefly. 

CALLIE OICHE: Then you are Julia's daughter? 

BRIGID: Yes. How do you know? 

CALLIE OICHE: I know all the Shadows on my paths, especially those who stay as long as your mother. 

BRIGID: How long has she-? 

CALLIE OICHE: Almost a full half year. 

Brigid gapes. 

BRIGID (under her breath): Since Daddy died? 

CALLIE OICHE: Crouch down now, it's about to get bumpy. 

Her brow furrowed in thought, she climbs back down to the safety of the bird's back and burrows down into the feathers. 

The bird's muscles flex around her as the owl's massive wings beat the sky. 

Under the owl's belly, the great talons are shaking the boar vigorously. A thin stream of water leaks from its ear with a tiny WAIL of frustration.

The Shadowkeeper  **Feature Screenplay**Where stories live. Discover now