Chapter Three

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Wyatt Cunningham (One Month Later)
It was now August 18th and school was starting today. Wyatt could honestly say he was happy to be going back to school. After the water park and seeing that guy, the rest of his summer had been shitty. He'd always felt as if someone was watching him and that he was being followed. Jack would always tell him that he as being paranoid but he knew he wasn't.

This was senior year for all of them. They would be graduating at the end of the school year and this was the year to make it or break it, courtesy of Highschool Musical.

Wyatt stood in front of his life size mirror, assessing himself and man in sure that what he had on was senior year approval. He was wearing black skinny jeans which fit him perfectly, a red and black plaid button down, white converse and a couple bracelets around his right wrist. He smirked and nodded approvingly. Definitely senior year apparel.

Wyatt grabbed his bag and made way downstairs to get breakfast. Jack was already down there, eating a bowl of cereal. "Morning."

"Hey bro." Jack said. "Mom and dad left already."

Wyatt grabbed an apple from the fruit basket. "Why doesn't that surprise me?" Wyatt muttered.

Jack sighed and looked up at his brother. "Hey you know they would be here if they didn't have to work."

Wyatt said nothing because he knew Jack was right. He usually was about these things but it still hurt. Half of the time their parents were barely home and that meant they rarely even saw them and if they did it was only for about an hour or so before they had to get back to work. Sometimes Wyatt hated their job. It took them away from their sons and it wasn't fair.

Wyatt tossed his apple up and caught it. He glanced at the clock and said, "We gotta go or we'll be late."

"I'll drive you so you don't have to." Jack offered.

Wyatt glanced at him. "Are you sure?"

Jack scoffed. "'Am I sure?' of course I am!"

Wyatt smiled. "Okay then let's go."

When they pulled up to the school and got out, Wyatt saw a couple of Jack's football friends by the entrance standing around. They walked over and Jack's friends smiled.

"Hey if it isn't Jack and his just as awesome brother, Wyatt!" The taller boy stated. His name was Tyler Fern and he'd been friends with Jack since they moved here.

"Hey Tyler." Wyatt said as the boy pulled him into a huge embrace. "How was your summer in Princeton?"

Tyler grinned. "It was amazingly awesome!"

"Of course it was." Connor O'Donnell said rolling his eyes.

"Hey settle down." Ripley Anderson told him. "Let him have his moment."

All of them were friends including Wyatt's friends. They were a big group of friends that treated each other with respect and it didn't matter if anyone was a geek or a goth, they all treated each other the same. Hell when Wyatt came out to the school, Jack's friends were there for him and they treated him no differently.

Wyatt gave all of them a smile and he saw Ryan waving at him from inside the school. "Hey I'll see you guys later."

Wyatt opened the doors and walked inside, strolling down the hallway towards his best friend. Their lockers were right beside each other so when he reached Ryan, he was digging through his locker.

"Wassup Ryan."

"Hey. So did you know we have all of our classes together?" Ryan asked me.

Wyatt shook his head. "No I didn't. I haven't even gotten my schedule yet."

Ryan smiled slightly and held out a piece of paper. "I got it for you."

Wyatt took the paper from him and read over it. His first class was A.P Chemistry and he looked up at Ryan, an arched eyebrow. "You have A.P Chemistry?"

Ryan rolled his eyes. "Yeah. You're not the only one who's good at Chem."

Wyatt smiled and shook his head. Last year Ryan took Chemistry and the teachers said he should take A.P his senior year, just like Wyatt. "Yes I know."

The bell rang in that moment and Ryan closed his locker and followed Wyatt down the hall towards their chemistry class, which was right beside the gym. Wyatt and Ryan entered the classroom and the minute they did, everyone stopped talking and watched them as they sat down.

Okay so Wyatt and Ryan were pretty popular guys one of the reasons being Wyatt's brother Jack but another was Wyatt had auditioned for the yearly talent show every year since fifth grade and he sang at every one. Of course the song would be different every year but he also played guitar and his singing had become everyone's obsession at the school. Ryan was known more for playing for the basketball team for two years before switching over to soccer.

Wyatt smiled at everyone he walked past and took a seat by the window, Ryan sitting next to him. The warning bell rang and a mexican looking teacher walked in the classroom and Wyatt realized that he didn't recognize him.

"Hello class. My name is Gary Tempè. I'll be your A.P Chemistry teacher for this year." The man's voice was laced with his Spanish accent.

Wyatt glanced over at Ryan and he saw that his best friend was staring down at his phone. Wyatt nudged him. "Ry, put your phone away before he catches you."

"I can't." Ryan says. "I'm waiting for Rocky's reply."

Wyatt said, "Dude I'm sure she'll answer. She's in class like we are you doof--"

"Is there anything that you would like to share with us Mr. Cunningham?" Mr. Tempè said.

Wyatt looked up and shook his head. "Nope."

Mr. Tempè smiled. "Okay. Let's get started."

Six hours later, Wyatt walked down the hallway on his way to the football field. It was the end of the day and football tryouts were today so Wyatt was going to stay and watch his brother try out. He already knew Jack was going to get in again because he was so good.

Wyatt sat in the bleachers beside Charlotte another one of his friends and Dylan. They were all watching the tryouts, but most of their friends went home already.

Wyatt watched as Ripley threw the ball to Jack, who caught it and grinned at his friend. Wyatt found his eyes wandering over to the edge of the forrest and he did a double take. The guy from the water park was standing in the shadows of the tree, watching him. Staring at him.

"Dylan, do you see that guy?" Wyatt asked not taking his eyes off the male.

"What guy?" Dylan said curiously. Wyatt pointed and she followed the direction of where he was pointing and said. "Wow he is hot."

Wyatt nodded. "I know. I saw him at the water park but he was just watching me like he's doing now. And when I told my brother, he disappeared."

Wyatt looked at her when she didn't say anything. "Right. Well he's gone now."

"What?" Wyatt glanced back at the spot the guy had been standing and saw that he indeed had disappeared again. "Who is he?"

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