Chapter Four

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The lyrics in this book are actually my thought out process of a song I am indeed writing for myself. Mutters "when I get this guitar I'll be able to make my own beat."

So yeah for my 16th birthday in August, I'll be getting a guitar.

Wyatt Cunningham
The next few months flew by faster than usual and it was now November. It was still warm outside but not by much. Wyatt had seen the strange guy a few more times after the football field but that was it.

Wyatt sat on his bed playing his guitar, and he was singing a song he had written himself about a month ago. It was called Who Are You.

"Seen you at the water park
Seen you at the school
Seen you after hours
But every time I see you
You seem to disappear

I ask myself 'Who are you?'
But I never get an answer
I wonder 'Who are you?'
You never seem to answer

Wondering why you never seem to stay
Why don't you ever tell me
Just who you are."

Wyatt stopped singing cringing slightly at the lyrics. It was a work in progress that's for sure. He set his guitar aside and stood up, walking over to his window. He was going to close it but that's when he saw him. Standing on the edge of the lawn watching him.

Wyatt stared at him and he stared back, his dark eyes focused intensely on Wyatt. He opened his mouth to say something to the strange boy when his phone rang. He turned and walked over to his bed grabbing his phone and answering it.

"Hey Wyatt, listen. There's a party over on Baker's street at Tyler's. Do you want to come?" Ryan asked the minute he answered.

Wyatt thought about it as he strode back over to the window. The strange guy was gone and he nodded. "Yeah I'll come."

Wyatt entered the manor and was hit with the scent of weed, sex and sweat. The whole student body was here and Wyatt was kind of overwhelmed by the amount of kids here. There was music playing and the backyard pool had become a drinking station.

Wyatt looked around for Ryan but couldn't spot him in the crowd. He walked deeper into the house and looked around but still no Ryan. His phone vibrated in his jacket pocket and he pulled it out.

Unknown: Outside if you want to know who I am.

Wyatt frowned and glanced up looking around for the strange boy. He didn't see him so he turned around and walked outside. He didn't see anyone at first but he saw a shadow move at the edge of the lawn. Wyatt started forward cautiously and the shadow moved forward too.

"Who are you?"

"I'm Cade Midnight."

Wyatt found it strange that he was always lurking in the shadows but hey, kids were always weird these days. It was 2017. What do you expect?

"You've been following me around. Why?" Wyatt asked curiously.

Cade looked away briefly before looking him in the eyes. "I like you."

Wyatt blushed a little and shuffled his feet. "'ve been following me...because you like me?"

Cade smirked slightly at Wyatt's reaction. "Yeah. So now you know who I am. I'll see you around."

Wyatt watched Cade disappear into the shadows and he couldn't help but feel terribly attracted to him now that he had his name. Wyatt silently cursed and ran his fingers through his hair, making it messier than it already was.

Wyatt turned and walked back towards the manor, to join the party and his friends. Wherever they were inside the manor. Cade Midnight was a hot name to go with a hot guy. Wyatt was so into his thoughts he hadn't seen Ryan and walked right into him.

"Wyatt you made it!" Ryan exclaimed.

Wyatt stepped back and said, "Yeah, I did."

Ryan frowned, as if he knew something was wrong. "Dude what's up? You're don't look too happy."

Wyatt looked down at his phone which was still in his hand and automatically thought of Cade. Would he see him again? Would he be able to text him back or was it just a one way texting thing?

Wyatt realized that he was probably overthinking this and that Cade would contact him again soon. Right?

Looking up when he noticed he had been staring at his phone for more than a few moments he said, "It's nothing. I'm fine."

Was he alright though?

Cade Midnight
Cade didn't regret showing himself to Wyatt. He was actually surprised he hadn't realized what he was the second he saw him. Cade had heard him singing earlier in the night and he was touched. He knew the song was about him and he felt bad so he decided to tell him who he was.

Cade had gotten Wyatt's number from his friend, who he had bumped into at the mall. He had slipped her phone out of her purse, went to her contacts and memorized Wyatt's number before slipping her phone back inside her purse. Her name was Dylan..yeah. Dylan.

Cade was now standing in the shadows of the forrest, watching the party play out. He saw Wyatt a couple times laughing with his friends by the pool before his brother Jack pushed him in laughing. He watched as Wyatt reached out of the pool and grabbed his foot, dragging Jack into the pool with him.

The sight brought a smile to his lips. Brotherly love. Having a brother to have your back and take care of you whenever you were sick or hurt had to be great.

The sound of a horn made Cade stiffen tremendously. He nearly felt his heart break in two because this wasn't just any horn. This horn signified the coming of a vampire purge. Any town that's been chosen to purge, there'd be the sound of a horn and a week after the town would be under attack.

Wyatt would be killed.

Cade wouldn't let that happen. He loved Wyatt with all of his heart. The boy was special. Cade would do everything in his power to protect him. And that was a vow.

Wyatt Cunningham
Wyatt had been treading water in the pool laughing and splashing water on Jack when he heard it. The sound of a battle horn. The music was so loud he just barely heard it. Wyatt stopped splashing Jack and looked up at the starry night sky.

"Did you hear that?" Wyatt asked his brother, slowly lowering his eyes to look at Jack.

Jack nodded slowly. "Yeah."

"What do you think it was?" Wyatt looked around and noticed that everyone at the party was pretty much asking the same question. He also noticed that the music had been shut off.

"I have no idea." Jack says.

Hi guys! My favorite readers! I hope you like the new chapter! Things are looking up....or down depending on how you put it. Anyway the action is about to start so gear up, arm yourselves and read at your own risk! It will get very very gory😏🙄

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