Chapter Five

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Wyatt Cunningham
A couple days after the party, Wyatt found himself constantly checking his phone for any text messages from Cade but he never got any. And that made him wonder if Cade even wanted to see him again. He was getting mixed signals here...or none at all.

Wyatt sat in the stands cheering on his brother, who had the ball and was running for a touchdown. Ryan, Brianna and Corey were sitting with him, waving a huge sign that said 'GO BAKER'S WILDCATS!'

Wyatt smiled as his brother scored the winning point for the team and everyone in the stands started yelling and cheering. Ryan nudged him and he glanced over.

"You're brother is so gonna get that scholarship he wants." Ryan says grinning. "Believe me."

"Yeah he's awesome!" Brianna said. But of course she would say that...she was dating him.

"You're only saying that because he's your boyfriend." Corey pointed out.

Wyatt nodded in agreement and Brianna only chuckled. "Fair point...but I've always thought Jack was awesome!"

Wyatt's eyes wandered back to the field and watched Jack hugging it out with Ripley and Tyler. Everyone continued to cheer and as he stood up the cheering soon turned to screaming. Wyatt frowned and turned around, his eyes widening at the sight before him.

A man at 6' and no older than his dad, with blood staining his lips red and fangs protruding from his mouth, stood over a girl that Wyatt didn't really know. He watched in complete horror as the vampire grabbed her and bit into her neck, nearly ripping her head off.

"Oh my...." Ryan started.

"Shit! Wyatt let's GO!" Corey yelled and grabbed Brianna's hand, scrambling down the bleachers.

Wyatt didn't move. He couldn't. He waz paralyzed by fear and shock as he watched the vampire drain his victim even as more vampires began to climb up the bleachers from behind. Wyatt felt Ryan tug his hand and that was all it took for Wyatt to break out of his frozen stupor.

Wyatt scrambled down the bleachers as fast as he could, with Ryan right beside him. Wyatt jumped the last two steps and glanced around frantically. The football field was a bloodbath. Everyone was being attacked by vampires, killed. Blood sank and spread into the soil as body parts, intestines and gore flew threw the air.

Something rolled across the ground before stopping at Wyatt's feet with a wet squishy sound and a thud. Wyatt slowly looked down and his hand flew to his mouth as he tried to hold back his bile. The head of a senior who had never been nice, rested at his feet and Wyatt felt sick.

Pull it together. You have to find your friends and get the hell out of here, Wyatt scolded himself.

Wyatt saw Ryan fall as a vampire grabbed his foot and tripped him. He sprinted over to him as fast as he could and kicked the vampire in the side of the face, knocking him over.

"Come on!" Wyatt yelled pulling his friend to his feet and they hoofed it towards the school parking lot. Wyatt skidded to a stop at the sound of his name being yelled. He looked around and saw his brother, Jack  and a group of other kids being led to school busses by a few teachers.

"Wyatt!" Jack yelled and started running towards him. Wyatt frowned confused as to why he was running away from the busses, which was probably the only way out of here. "Wyatt move!"

Wyatt spun around in time to see a looming vampire, standing behind him. He realized a second too late that it was the vampire he had kicked in the face. Wyatt's eyes widened and he stumbled back away from the vampire even as he flung Ryan to the side. Wyatt screamed as the vampire latched on to him and he squirmed and fought to get away from him as he tried to bite his neck.

Wyatt was terrified. He didn't want to die yet. He had too many things he wanted to do. Wyatt fought harder but it was useless. Just as the vampires teeth grazed over his throat, it was ripped away from him and slammed to the ground.

The last thing Wyatt saw before he passed out was Cade, standing over him with his fangs out.

Jack Cunningham
Jack ran. He ran towards his brother who was fighting to get away from a vampire, which was holding him in a tight grip. Jack watched horrified as the vampire brought it's mouth closer and closer to Wyatt's throat and then there was another vampire there grabbing him and throwing him to the ground.

Jack was surprised. He reached his brothers side, who was unconscious and looked up when he felt someone stop beside him. It was the vampire. He stiffened and pulled Wyatt closer to him, fearing for his life.

"I'm not going to hurt you. I'm Cade Midnight...I've been watching over him." The guy said.

"But you're a vampire. You kill people." Jack said harshly.

Cade looked down ashamed for a couple seconds before he looked back up, stubbornly. "Yes I may be a vampire but I do not kill humans. I have...taken a liking to your brother. I would never hurt him."

Jack looked skeptically at him before he sighed. "Can you help me get him out of here before we all die?"

Cade shook his head and gently pushed him out of the way. Jack let him scoop Wyatt up in his arms and run for the woods. "You're friends are waiting for you at Tyler's manor. It should be safe there."

Jack couldn't believe this was happening. Vampires were purging his town. He never thought he'd love to see the day Brakesvill was purged.

"This is fucking crazy." He muttered.

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