Come with me part 2

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"you don't have to stay because you feel you have to there's nothing holding you here" Emma said trying to hide her face so he would see the was crying. He turned her so she was looking at him and wiped away her tears with his thumb "I love you and I will stay with you as long as you'll have me getting our memories back doesn't change anything" Killian said. "I'm pregnant" she whispered. Killian thought his mind was playing tricks on him at first but then realized what he heard was real without hesitation he grabbed her into his arms and kissed every inch of her face till she was laughing "we're having a baby" he said in awe. "Yeah we are" Emma said and he kissed her like his life depended on. Is what Emma wanted to happen. Her mind drifted back into reality. They were still sitting there in silence "I guess we should go to bed, we have a long day ahead of us" Killian said. Just tell him she thought and she opened her mouth to do it just rip the band-aid off but closed her mouth and thought against it. She nodded instead, he left and took the couch without saying a word. She didn't know whether to feel hurt or relieved that he he didn't want to sleep in the same bed. She knew it was probably just him being all good form but what if it wasn't what if he didn't love her. Every time she thought this could be a good thing bad thoughts just filled her head. It was three in the mourning and she still couldn't fall asleep, she's gotten so used to him being there with her now she can't sleep without him. She finally had enough of it when she walked out of their room to see him also wide awake on the couch. Without either of them saying a word she walked over the him and laid down with him. His arm came around her and she felt like she was home. They sat there not saying word they didn't have to until they fell asleep. They woke up by Emma sliding off the couch taking Killian with her. They both laughed till it hurt. "are you alright love" Killian asked his voice full of concern. Before Emma could respond she felt her diner from last night coming up her throat. She quickly got out from under Killian and ran to the bathroom. Killian was right behind her to hold her hair back while she puked. Once Emma emptied the containments of her stomach she sat at the island in the kitchen while Killian made breakfast. They stayed silent once again the anticipation was killing her she just wanted to know how he felt and she wasn't gonna wait any longer. "Do you still love me" Emma asked bluntly. His whole body froze he stopped stirring the eggs it almost felt like all the air in his body was sucked out of him. He turned to face her and opened his mouth to speak but before he could the apartment door opened Henry came running in rambling about his whole sleep over. Emma and Killian didn't take their eyes off each other for even a moment. When Killian came over and set down Emma's plate in front of her he whispered in her ear "of course" Emma didn't even try to hide the smile that spread across her face. "So kid how would you like to take a family trip" Emma said. "Are you serious" Henry asked. Emma nodded "Awesome, I'm going to go pack" he said running off to his room. Emma laughed again turning back to Killian.
Once they were back in Storybrook Killian took a sleeping Henry to grannies while David and Emma went to go find Mary-Margaret. The moment the door opened Emma was being pulled into Snows arms. They spent a couple hours getting caught up on each other's lives and on the wicked witch threatening the town. When Emma went to grannies to find her son and her fianc-Killian. When she opens the door to their room she wasn't surprised to see Killian waiting up for her. She got into the bed with him, he pulled her close and she breathed him in. "We need to talk" Emma whispered. "Tomorrow now get some rest" he whispered kissing the top of her head, she nodded and fell to sleep. A few days of looking for the wicked witch and still no luck. Until Killian and Emma were creeping around an old farm house green smoke appeared in front of them to reveal Zelena. "What do you want" Emma said raising her gun. "Oh Emma what I want is something so precious and pure and it lies within you" zelena said walking closer till her hands were on Emma's stomach. "Oh yes your baby will do quite nicely" zelena laughed. "Swan what the bloody hell is she talking about" Killian asked. "Oh I'm sorry did the pirate not know, well why don't I clue him in" she giggled turning towards Killian. "Congrats your going to be a daddy" Killian's eyes widen in shock. Emma looked down in shame not wanting to meet his eyes wishing more then anything she would have told him sooner she had so many opportunities. Emma could feel his eyes on her they were burning a hole through her. "I will see you in a few hours to collect what is mine" zelena said snapping her fingers then waving her hand and disappearing. Emma screamed falling to her knees in pain. "Emma" Killian yelled running and going down to her level. "I'm sorry I didn't tell you I was just scared and" Killian cut her off mid ramble "it's ok swan it doesn't matter now but what does is what is happening to you" he asked. Emma stomach started to grow and Emma screamed in pain again. "I think she sped up my pregnancy" Emma said. "Ok let's get you to the hospital" Killian said helping her stand up. "No hospital, that's where zelena knows we're going you heard her she wants to take our baby" Emma said. "Emma look at me" he said making her look him in the eyes. "It's going to be ok I will not let anyone touch our baby,ok?" Killian said. Emma nodded and they went to the hospital. Emma was ready to push and now her fears came out to play again. "I can't do this" Emma said. "Yes you can I know you can because you are the strongest, bravest person I have ever met and will be an amazing mother you just have to push" Killian said and Emma nodded giving a big push. Their baby girl came into the world kicking and screaming and stayed that way till she was in her mothers arms "hey there beautiful" Killian said stroking his daughters cheek with his thumb. "I hate to interrupt this precious moment" Emma and Killian both looked up from their daughter to see Zelena standing there. Killian was about to grab his sword when Zelena froze him and Emma taking the baby out of her arms. She disappeared unfreezing both of them. "Emma silently cried and Killian saw this and it broke his heart. He put his forehead to hers and vowed he would get their daughter back. He ran out of the hospital room seeing everyone was there waiting outside. Killian filled them in on what happened and they went to Zelena's farm house to find her working on a spell he could hear his daughters cries and all he wanted to do was run to her and never hear her in pain again. Regina used light magic and stopped Zelena and Killian ran and picked up his little girl not how he imagined holding her for the first time. Not like he really had time to imagine because he only learned about her a couple hours ago. They got back to the hospital and Killian walked into Emma's room she smiled so wide her cheeks probably hurt she was reaching out for their baby and he placed their now sleeping daughter in her arms. 

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