Come away with me in the dark of night

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Emma halted her horse, patting the animal on the neck in thanks. Another successful escape from her prison of a life under her belt; she was starting to wonder how no one had noticed yet. Her maids were entirely in the dark, diligently helping her with her pre-bed routine , none the wiser to what their mistress sometimes got up to at night. She was a grown woman; she was damn well going to live her life her own way.

She took off in the direction of her favorite tavern, the one closest to the shore. Sliding off her horse hitting the ground with a graceful thud. Emma tied the horse to the hitching rail, looking back one last time for any sign of the castle's guards. With a sigh of relief Emma opened the door, slipping inside. Taking a glance around the room she slid off her hood, hoping nobody recognized her. It was practically empty beside a few Lonely patrons.

Emma walked over to the bartender who didn't even so much as glance at her. She got a pitcher of rum and took a seat in the corner hoping things picked up around there.

Before long the door swung open to reveal a group of men practically filling up the place. She eyed them up and down studying them. Now things were getting interesting around here. From their attire she could tell they were pirates, which unexpectedly caused her to feel her whole body radiate with excitement.

The last man to come in is what caught Emma's attention; he was dressed all in leather, walking with some sort of swagger like he owned the place. He held an arrogant smirk as he walked to his seat. She spotted the hook that took the place of his left hand and she knew instantly who he was, Captain Hook. She's heard countless stories of him, of how he was to be feared; but looking at him now he didn't seem so scary.

For whatever reason he has stolen all her attention, and she can't seem to take her eyes off of him. A beat passed before he turned in her direction, their eyes meeting and she could have sworn she saw him gasp.

. . .

He shook his head trying to rid himself of thoughts of her. He reluctantly turned his head back to the men he was with, directing his attention back to the conversation. Throughout the night she would catch his gaze back on her causing her face to flush, which would only hold his interest more. "Captain it seems you're having an off night" one of his deckhands spoke up. He can't seem to keep his mind on anything other than the beautiful blond lass in the corner. "Oh bugger off!" Hook shot back.

Emma turned away from the pirate, finally noticing there was a large man next to her. He wasn't old, but definitely not young either, raggedy hair, long ratty beard. "Now what's a pretty thing like you doing here-" the man said, guiding his hand to her thigh. "all by yourself?" He gave her a smirk that almost caused her to gag.

"I don't really think that is any of your concern" Emma snapped, slapping his hand away. She stood turning to walk in the opposite direction; she halted when the man grasped her wrist forcefully in his large hand holding her in place.

"You listen here you little bitch I—"

"I think it's best you leave the lass alone" a voice came from behind them causing the man to release Emma.

He turned to face whoever interrupted him. Emma saw the voice belonged to the pirate she had been staring at for over half the night.

The man huffed a laugh "I think it's best that you just keep walking scum" he challenged.

He laughed again before turning his attention back to Emma. "The lady wishes to be left alone mate, so I suggest you leave" the pirate now seething with anger.

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