The ring

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Takes place right after everyone got back from saving Killian from the underworld.
Everyone was at grannies celebrating the return of Killian and the rest of the Heroes. everyone cleared out but Emma and Killian. "Here's your brothers ring back" Emma said holding the ring out for Killian to take it. "It's alright love you can keep it, I would much rather have you safe than me" Killian said "No I don't want it! Take it" Emma demanded "why don't you want it" Killian asked "Because you died, you told me this ring is why you survived all those years. And you took the ring off and you died. Three times I watched you die and I can't handle you dying one more time so take it" Emma cried Killian took the ring out of Emma's hand and put it around his neck before Emma could say anything else Killian crashed his lips onto hers pushing her against the wall.
The next day
Killian walked up to Emma and handed her a box "for you swan" Killian said. Emma opened the box to find Killian's ring but only half of it on a chain. "You cut the ring in half" Emma stated "well I thought we already share one heart why not a share a ring, and now it keep both of us safe" Killian said and Emma put on the half ring around her neck "I love you and it's a good thing it will keep us both safe because our child is going to need both it's parents" Emma said "Really Swan" Killian said excitedly as Emma nodded

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