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He never felt right with him himself

He felt like life drowning in the abyss of a salt water tub and his body stung because he had a body of scars

Dysphoria was the anchor pulling him into the what

With the world just never feeling right



He lived in a closet like coffin

With a new splinter entering his skin when he makes the wrong movment

He hopes and prays with his little faith he can escape this wooden jail cell one day

He knows he may never come out for he will be disappointing


He wakes up in pain

Because he forgot to take of his binder before bed

And instead of buying something

Something to help him

He bought himself more pain and dysphoria

For he is an ocean

Drowning in the deep

With secrets he must keep

With his body an anchor carrying him down



To drown in the deep

For his body never felt right

For his skin never felt like his

For his reflection wasn't his

For his voice was of a girls

A girl who had a myriad of problems

But the truth is

She wants to be a boy   

Poems // Gale -inactiveWhere stories live. Discover now