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this is for jerseybelieber since i felt absolutely horrible for not uploading the third imagine. if you want already read it or don't remember, her it is;

You and Asa had a heated night a few weeks ago. You never really questioned what had happened, but you had started to feel pains and vomiting. You were starting to get worried and decided to buy a few pregnancy tests. You headed back home and without interrupting Asa in his cooking you headed to the bathroom.

Once you finished the process you were about to look at the results when you heard a knock on the bathroom door.

"Babe, dinner is ready!" Asa said through the door.

"Alright, I'll be there in a sec." You responded.

You heard footsteps fade away and knew he was gone. You look down at the two tests and saw that it was positive. You were pregnant. You were happy, you love kids and hoped to get pregnant, but you were only 19 and you felt like you were too young.

You got out of the bathroom with the tests in your hand and reached the dining room, "Asa?"

Asa turned around to look at you. He was about to ask you what you wanted when he saw the pregnancy tests in your hand. He looked at your teary eyed face and he became shocked.

"You're kidding right?" He asked, but you could see a small smile forming on his pale face.

You shook your head and he let out a scream of happiness, " I'm going to be a father!" He chanted as he ran around the room.

You were happy that he was happy and laughed. He finally came up to you and hugged you so tightly that you rose up from the ground.

"I love you." He whispered and kissed you passionately. "And I'm going to love this cute little baby." He said and rubbed and kissed your stomach.

That's when you realized the small bump and the fact that you were going to be a mother. The best thing though, was the fact that you and Asa would be parents and that you'll have a cute little family to care for.

It was the beginning to a new stage in your life and surprisingly, you were already loving it.

eight months later

i took the baby in my arms as asa sat in the chair beside me with a huge grin. his blue eyes were glistening slightly and i was sure if it was because he was about to cry or if he was just that in love with our newborn.

she was gorgeous, i will tell you that. her curly, brown hair, which she obviously got from me, looked beautiful. obviously, she didn't have much hair, but in this rare occasion she had quite a bit of hair. not much, she wasn't rapunzel after all.

not only that, but her blue, big eyes stared up at me widely. as she did so, she gave me the cutest smile in the world and i felt myself falling in love even more second by second. her small nose was just like asa's and as weird as it sounds, that might be my favorite part of his. it was different and it's very rare for people to have cute noses.

she was just beautiful and as i looked up i saw asa sitting there, staring at me and i saw a stay tear roll down his right cheek. i laughed slightly as i put on a smile on my face.

"wanna carry her?" i asked smiling and he nodded eagerly. i handed her quickly to him as i stared at the scene. it was rather calming and sweet, it made my heart wrench and possibly melt.

"i'm so lucky." he muttered as he looked up at me with the biggest and most beautiful smile ever.

he leaned in and gave me a short and sweet kiss as i caressed his lip. i think i'm the lucky one.

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