Chapter One

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Evangeline sighed sadly as she strolled the cobblestone pathway leading to the grand castle of Petron, passing through the lovely gardens surrounding the large structure.

Why was she sad, you ask? Because, she had let yet another opportunity pass her by. Another ship had left the docks earlier this morning, off to Voyage once again.

Oh, how she wished she could join them. How she wished she could feel the sea breeze in her long blonde hair. Smell the salty air. See the sun drift beyond the horizon, and see the stars come into view over the dark seas.

However; that wasn't possible. Not with Eva's family here, not when they needed her.

"Eva? Come along, dear! At this rate we might as well grow the produce!" Her Mother, Elizabeth Rolfe, called from the end of the path, staring at her with a sort of fondness in her eyes. Her daughter was always off in the clouds.

"Don't be so daft, Mother dearest. Our dear Prince might just faint if he sees less than perfection on the dining room table." Evangeline said, her voice laced with sarcasm. The Prince of Petron was due back, this evening. After having been shipped overseas for training ten years ago. Eva herself couldn't remember much about the Prince. Just that he was a cocky little thing, very full of himself.

"Mind your manners, Evangeline." Beth warned her daughter with a raised, dark eyebrow, though there was a hint of amusement in her tone. "Yes, yes. I know. Wouldn't want to be beheaded, now, would I?" Evangeline muttered as she finally stopped beside her Mother, adjusting her cloak and shifting the basket hanging off of her elbow.

It was winter, snow lightly falling from the dark sky. So, Evangeline wore now her winter dress. Long-sleeved, off the shoulders, with the collar running along her collarbone. The fine green dress reached down to her ankles, her feet covered by her favourite pair of hide boots. To keep her warm, her black cloak was covering her body, her hood up to protect her face from the cold.

"Cheer up, my dear. This is a celebration!" Ever the cheerful one, her Mother linked their free arms together, and began leading them further down the pathway, their small village coming into view.

As much as Evangeline loved her village, she yearned to see more. To learn more. To see all of the wonderful places she'd read about in her novels.

"He's nothing but a greedy, over-confident jerk." Eva sighed once again, shaking her head. She wasn't looking forward to serving such a man. At least the King and Queen were kind. And their daughter, six-year-old Princess Isabelle. She was one of Evangeline's close friends, despite her being royalty and Eva being her servant. They were close. Just as Beth and the Queen were, Elizabeth being the Queen's personal maid.

"How do you know such a thing? He may have changed." Elizabeth said with a strange, knowing glint in her bright hazel brown eyes, almost identical to Evangeline's own. Minus the lovely golden specks in Eva's gaze, under the sun light.

"I won't hold my breath, Mother." She answered truthfully, as they reached the bustling streets of their village, the atmosphere bringing a smile to the previously saddened girl's soft lips. "I'll visit the bakery." Evangeline said immediately, already skipping away as her Mother laughed behind her.

The young women weaved her way through the crowd, greeting a few familiar faces with a warm smile. Despite wanting to leave, Eva really did love her home village.

"Good morning, Evangeline." She was greeted happily by the local baker, sixty-year- old Thomas. Also a good friend of Eva's. Said girl grinned widely as she pulled her hood back, stepping inside with a skip in her step. She loved to visit the bakery, for Thomas always had a new recipe for her to sample.

"Tommy! What have I told you? Please, call me Eva. Evangeline makes me sound old." She said as she closed the door behind her, giggling under her breath along with the balding man behind the counter. "Of course, of course." Is all he said, disappearing to the back of the store for a moment, before returning with three long rolls of bread for tonight's royal dinner. "Here you are." The man said with a gentle smile, handing them over to Evangeline, who took them with a grateful nod.

"Thank you, Tommy." She said in a softly, sliding the bread into her basket, covering them with a thin blanket. Evangeline didn't move, simply whistling innocently, rocking back and forth on the balls of feet.

Laughing in amusement, Thomas shook his head, before reaching for something under the counter. "Okay, little lady. On today's menu, we have a raspberry and apple tart." He slid the small tart across the counter top, eager to try out the new combination.

Evangeline's eyes widened in excitement, reaching forward as she lowered her basket to the ground, simultaneously. With a hum of contemplation, Eva took a bite and chewed slowly, eyes gazing off at nothing as she savoured the taste.

After, what seemed like a forever to Thomas, Evangeline turned her gaze back to him with a bright smile. "Definite success." She cheered, lifting her hand again to take another larger bite.

Thomas laughed gleefully, holding his rounded stomach. "Thank you, my dear. Now, off you go. I can just imagine the list of items you have to acquire." The kind man said, waving Evangeline off.

Said girl sighed; she seemed to be going that a lot, today. "Don't remind me." She said quietly under her breath, folding the remainder of the tart in a napkin, saving it for her friend Bellamy back at the castle. And for Isa, of course. "Until next time!" Eva said, her attitude brightening at the reminder of how happy Isabelle would be to have her brother back. It was the only reason Evangeline wasn't faking a sickness to get out of her duties, tonight.

Her hood was thrown back over her head, as she exited the store, the bell ringing above her head. With yet another sigh, Evangeline began completing her task. However, she once again found her gaze drawn to the horizon, where to sky met the sea.

One day, she vowed; one day she would go there. And, finally sea what the world had to offer a small village girl like her.

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