six; "take a chance on it."

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So I stayed. Instead of saying “I’m alright.”, I went on to tell him about how secluded my relationship makes me feel. I went on to tell him about how Alec didn’t say ‘I love you’ back. I went on to tell him everything. The best part of it all was that he just listened – very intently, if I may add. He nodded for most parts, beckoning me to continue. And when I threw my hands up in frustration, he just chuckled and then smiled at me.

At the end of it all, he said, “If it’s meant to be, it will be. Just keep doing what you’re doing. If he’s worth it, then good. Otherwise, you’ll learn a thing or two about yourself and relationships. That’s the beautiful part of fall outs, y’know. No matter how bad it is, you’ll eventually find something good out of it. But if you love him, take a chance on it.”

He could have told me to break up with Alec like how Sara would, but he didn’t. Truth be told, he was a better listener and adviser than Sara has ever been.

I had always wanted a friend like that – one that listens to you without judgments, one that allows you to express your thoughts without interrupting. Someone with a saccharine personality, yet mentality not too similar to mine such that it becomes too penny plain, too predictable. Someone with touches so reassuring and hugs so accommodating. Someone whose actions – not words - reassure you that they’re there for the long run.

Thankfully, Ashton proved that he could be that friend, seeing as he seemed to possess all the qualities. Well, not all – there’s one that I was still uncertain of. And there’s only one way to make me certain of it.

I threw my arms around his neck, pulling him close to me. I inhaled his scent – a blend of freshly-brewed coffee and fresh linen, the smell of home, really – right after I muttered a ‘thank you’. He didn’t say a thing, but that’s alright. Hell, it’s more than alright, because the hands that encircled my waist and pulled me closer to him were more than enough to replace the “You’re welcome.” that could have followed instead.



i'm so sorry i haven't updated for a while i had three damn exams today and i had to study so much DAMN GERMAN DAMN HITLER and they turned out to be so shit but anyway i'm glad i got all of that past me also this is really short but again I FEEL REALLY BAD I HAVEN'T BEEN UPDATING so here you go a short and sweet one

i might be posting another chapter tomorrow but otherwise, there'll be one on friday

so yes filler chapter. kind of. 

i really hope you guys are liking this story so far ewurohwaslkn

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