Murdoch Mysteries

480 5 11

This is dedicated to riiiii6 , IsabelleJacobs1 and jamesgillies23
Stay amazing!!!

Feedback is accepted (via PM) no hate please... stay crazy 😜

I like this character, and I hate this character, you know how it works. I used to be all Murdoch but then I was all Julia then I was Crabtree then I was Dr. Grace then I ended up on Gillies, Brackenreid, Jackson and Higgins. Imma stuck there. I really like Higgins as a character and I find it really sad he ain't in the credits. You wanna know why huh huh huh he has been blown up, knocked out, held at knife point, clawed at by a tiger and ☝️ finally he has been shot SHOT HE HAS DONE ENOUGH TO GO IN THE CREDITS LIKE SERIOUSLY. 😡.

*Clears throat* nothing happened.

So my pairings that occasionally overlap
- Julia/Murdoch (the usual)
-Inspector Brackenreid/Margaret
-Crabtree/Higgins (yea romantically got a problem)
-Murdoch/Crabtree (Bromance) -Murdoch/Gillies -Higgins/Gillies (don't ask) -I swear Crabtree, Higgins and Jackson are amazing.

I will also include random images because they are funny and imma lonely.

Yes it's a love story. I don't like love but hey (image^)

^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^SPOILER ALERT FOR SEASON 10 FINALE^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
Season 10 final just wrecked me ya know. There are 5 cliffhangers F.I.V.E that's 5, five, cinq, go, that's all the ways I can spell five but seriously 5 cliffhangers... who does that??? Guys this is dead serious get it? Because the five cliffhangers are battles for characters LIVES. At least we are getting a season 11. At LEAST. But still it's the usual you know Murdoch is fine but you know running for his life after being framed for murder, the usual. MEANWHILE every other character is fighting for their LIVELYNESSESESS, you know CAUSE their not important at all.

"Five-Character-Cliffhangers including Three constables, a Brackenreid and a Julia" [- Phrase not mine]

So the three constables; Jackson, Higgins and Crabtree were caught in a gunfire round and all were shot, and we, as fans know ONE of them is dead.

A Brackenreid; It's either Inspector Brackenreids death or him killing Chief Constable Davis either way a shot was heard from outside the house.

A Julia; Julia has been kidnapped... again. What is it with that??

But back to the point; Higgins has 1/3 chance of being dead. 💀 Dead. DEAD. Really hate Murdoch Mysteries right now.

This is just in case

^^^^^^^^^Spoiler alert over^^^^^^^^^^^^
So I may of over reacted... a bit. But yeah hope you enjoy. I hope to update regularly... 😬 probably every fortnight or every three weeks. Next chappie up soon. It's gonna be about each character and their actors (with pictures.)

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⏰ Last updated: May 10, 2017 ⏰

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