The werewolves revenge

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This is the third and final book in my 'The werewolves' series hope you guys have enjoyed and will stay tuned for more books after which there will be plenty of so keep reading and enjoy.

Chapter 1

I was sitting in my study at my new HQ because of what Jack left me, Jack he was my best friend until Hooshing decided to blow up the previous HQ with him in it but you all now that story, what i am doing in my study is using high grade military satellites to observe places inwhich Jack left me for where Hooshing could be hidding. Right now i am looking at about 5 screens all with different angles on a warehouse that Hooshig could be hidding in, there seems to have been some activity around the area since yesterdays observation. right now i am looking at previous nights recordings of that area but it only seems that normal parcel delivery men were working in that area, my Assassin spys also returned back with the same information so there is no point in checking that area anymore.

I turned off the screens and rubbed my eyes after watching all 6 hours of the footage just to be sure, I heard someone coming up the stairs, Sophie came up frommthe stairs and handed me a cup of tea and a peck on the cheak. "You should really get some sleep Conor, you've been at this for ages, take a rest and spend some time on much more... needed areas" Sophie said while spinnig me around on the chair and sitting on my lap, she had a skirt on without tights so i could feel her thighs on mine, she also had a tank top on showing off her double d breasts, she started kissing me and i returned passionatly moving down to her neck, she really liked it because she started to moan deeply, i moved my hands around her body, We stopped to go to our room for some private time. Before we went in i asked about Ryder, she said he was sleeping i the front room. Me and Sophie walked in and started to strip off our clothes, once in the nude i saw sophie stading there by the mirror so not only could i se her front but also her back, my eyes filled with lust and i moved in intentivley kissing her all over then laying her on our bed  teasing her around her waist and chest, i decided it was time and it went full heat with Sophie letting out pleasurly groans everytime i moved.

After me and Sophie had enough we layed in bed together still with no clothes on and just stared into eachothers eyes with love and lust, Sophie started to fall asleep so i waited for her to be fully surcumbed by tiredness and then slowly left her there, i got dressed and went down stairs to check on Ryder finding him still asleep made me smile at how cute he was, i went back up to my study to shut everything down but then noticing i have a new emal i opened it and it was from one of my top assassins Ben, it said they have found more clues to where Hooshing is around, i emailed back saying thanks for his work and that he should keep an eye out for any of Hooshings operatives. After hitting send i went back to my room and got back into bed with Sophie wrappingmy arms around her body and eventually falling asleep.

The next day i woke up finding Sophie wasn't lying next to me, I was still in sleep mode with my eyes half open and blury vision, it took me 10 minutes to wake up full but once i did i could hear moving downstairs, then a big smile appeared on my face to still know Sophie was still around of course i forgot today Sophie has a day off so i guess she is doing some work around the house. I had a wash and got dressed into grey joggers and a black shirt, just something simple because i will be just laying around the house and might check on the Hooshing operation later on, i walked down the stairs and walked into the kistchen to find a working Sophie, i walked up behind her and hugged her close to me kissing her cheak, she smiled and kissed back, "Morning Princess i see you are working on the kitchen so why dont you go sit down while i do the work so you can finally rest after all this work" I said smiling to emphasise my choice of what she should do, she smiled gracefully and went into the front room and left me to do the work in the kitchen.

Once that was finished i got a call from my top assassin Ben.

"Hey Conor i got some great news, i have located Hooshing to be in the hotel at Texas, Dallas by the air field, probably testing weapons"

"That's awesome Ben thanks a lot i will get right on it in a minute"

"Ok Conor goodbye"


Awesome, Ben has found Hooshing in Dallas, finally i can get my revenge but it is going to take some time to eventually get down there, meet with the group in our Texan HQ; We have HQs all around the world now, and finally assassinate him, i cannot let Jack die in vein and i must complete his will, i walked into the front room and told Sophie about the great news."Awesome Conor so when are you leaving to Dallas?" 

"I will be going on Tuesday and you're coming with me" I said, Sophie was now all giddy knowing she was going to America, she really liked America and always wanted to go there

"Yayyyy" Sophie shouted hugging me tightly and smiling, she instatly ran upstairs to pack, she had so many clothes so i left it all to her because i am useless at packing things and making sure i have everything so i leave Sophie to it, she also seems to have fun doing so, listening to music and dancing around the room while folding clothes, so why she did that i looked after Ryder for the next couple of hours feeding him and laughing with him. Having a baby is great and also tiring but well worth it to watch them grow up and move on in life always hoping they will do better than you did in life.

Sophie finally came down the stairs seeming fully energetic, even after all that dancing, she really amazes me at how much energy she has but then comes night time and she is completely puffed out and sleeps in seconds so i guess it all balances out in the end. "Have fun packing princess?" I asked smiling while holding a sleeping Ryder. "Awwww you guys look so cute together" Sophie said runnig to get the camera and taking a picture of us. Girls. "And yes i did have fun, i aslo packed for you and for Ryder with everything we need so no need to worry" Sophie said seeming full of herself, she was amazing at packing and doesn't forget anything. "Ok princess, i have the plane tickets on the mantle so when we leave i will take those or you will and we will fly to America" I said at a smiling Sophie, her smile seemed to stretch form ear to ear shinning bright enought to light up a city. She was the most beautiful woman in the world no matter what you say. I love her so much i would do anything for her and Ryder.

It was now coming up to 8:00pm, Ryder was sleeping and Sophie was sitting infront of me on the same chair playing a video game, she is so hot being beautiful and plays computer games, best wife in the world, well she's not my wife. Yet. i am going to propose to her in America after killing Hooshing, i alreayd have to ring, i hide it in the back of my computer because Sophie would never open it because it is such a smart hidding spot, but getting back to real life Sophie just conquored and entire call of duty game, something i cant do but i am more of a racer instead of a shooter, i conquored all of the need for speed map and i am the most feared racer known as 11, i was awesome but so was Sophie at computer games. It was getting lste now, Sophie fell asleep ontop of me so i carried her up the stairs bridal style and layed her down on the bed pulling the covers over her and kissing her forehead, i went back down the stairs to turn everything off and putting things away making sure everything was clear before heading back upstairs and falling asleep next to Sophie with my arms wrapped around her. Only two days till the flight to America, i was so excited but very tired so i fell asleep instantly.

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