Chapter 3

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Chapter 3 

It is now morning about 6:00am, Sophie was still asleep; She looked really cute so i tried geting out of bed softly and as quetly as possible trying not to wake her from her slumber. After successfuly getting out of bed and placeing the covers back over her, i crept down the stairs, walked into the kitchen and made myself some breakfast. Cerial, rice krispies were my favourite so i grabbed a box of them and poured till the bowl was filled to the brim, then i went over to our giant, black fridge/freezer and got out a big bottle of milk tipping it into the bowl, i love a lot of milk over my krispies, i ended up using about half the bottle of milk but who cares i can easily go to the shop and get some more if i really needed to.

My phone stated to ring, i picked it up and stared at the screen, seeing that it was Ben i answered."Hey Conor, didnt think you would be up at this time, i have a place where we and the team could meet up and discuss the assassination of Hooshing"

"Yeah sounds great just email me the location and i will head out a.s.a.p"

"Brilliant i will email the co-ordinates now, i will see you soon master"

"Yes see you soon Ben" 

I hanged up the phone and placed it back on the table, i got up and went back into my room to get washed then dressed. The water was warm on my skin and relaxed me but all good things have to come to an end. I clambered out of the shower and dryed myself off with a plain blue towl wrapping it around my body so i was hidding my down below parts. I walked in through the door creping past a still sleeping Sophie then into the walk in wardrobe where i got dressed into my assassins suit. I lloked at myself in the floor to ceiling, I looked epic with my hood up so you couldn't see my eyes hidding my identity. My cutlass at my right, shining in the sun that is peering through the crack in the curtains, My pistol on my right, a Glock 22 extended mag with the assassins logo embroided on the side, i had a strap going around my shoulder and over my chest with throwing knifes and magazines for my gun. On my back was my axe, it was tall stretching from my thigh to just abouve my head. It was also very heavy to the normal person but to me it was light.

Sophie started to stir so i left the room and closed the door quietly and went back into the living room, the walls were a black with white flooring and ceiling, then black furniture; a 3 seater sofa in the furthest corner and a single seater closest to the door, the flat scren TV was infront of both making it equel from both chairs. There was a big, white table inbetween the two chairs big enough to fit eight people around it but there was only three of us staying and Ryder can't even sit on one of those chairs yet. It was a very excellent room we were staying in, there was even a chandaller in the centre part of the room looking elegant with all the glisterning diamond shaped glass hanging from some coil and made the room complete. I sat on the single seater and went on my laptop to check the email that Ben sent me. I clicked on the icon opening a window displaying my emails. I only had one which was from Ben, so i opened it and i t had the co-ordinates where we were going to meet up. It was going to be me, Ben, Tanya and some assassins from the American division. I have only spoken to Tanya once before The HQ insident, she was really pretty with lucious brown hair and gorgeous blue eyes, she looked sexy in her assassins uniform the last time i saw her but my heart belongs to Sophie and i think Sophie looks better anyway.

I nclosed down my laptop then write a note saying i was going out to do some business. I walked out the room and walked down the hotel, one of the employees saw me walking down the hall towards him and he started to panic. I got closer and closer to him and just when i was ablout to pass him i stopped and looked at him. Poor guy he was shaking with fear pinned up against the wall. "I'm one of the good ones, but tell anyone about me then i wont be good anymore" I said to him, he nodded his head and i continued down the hall and onto a balcony. I climbed my way up to the roof of the hotel and looked around for where i was going to meet up with Ben and Tanya, once i spotted the place of meeting i jumped from the roof landing on top of a truck barrel rolling to absorb the fall and squated on the roof making myself as inconspicuous as possible. Lucky for me the treuck was heading my way so i stayed ontop unill it reached my destination. I swiftly jumped off and landed ontop of the warehouse roof rolling again. There was a see through part on the ceiling so i peered through to see that everyone was waiting for me. I climbed down the side of the building and went inside.

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