Chapter 8

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Chapter 8

It was a bright day since it was the middle of summer and in the middle of Texas. The scorching heat made us sweat without having to move, our vision was blurry to a certain distance from the heat waves. My men were sitting around lazily dinking from their flasks and bottles trying to withstand the intense heat.  I had to send a guy from the American division to Wal-Mart to buy us some more water bottles. I stood at the edge of the building looking into the distance and started to think about when I finally killed Hooshing, when I can be with my family properly and when I can be free because as soon as I have assassinated Hooshing I am quitting the assassin’s league.

The door from the building where Hooshing was meant to be in opened, we all got up in the speed of light and waited for someone t walk out hoping it was our target. What did walk out was quite a shock to us all, a small dog looking creature about two feet tall and double in width, it waddled out into the open and turned around waiting for someone, maybe it was our target or maybe it was a weird old guy just walking his strange dog. We waited a while, and waited some more but no one had come out. In the end I had to send some men don to check out what was going on. I stayed at the edge to see what was going on. One of the men went up to dog and checked on him or her as the other three walked into the building to check what was going on.

There was a sudden crash and a loud explosion with smoke flooding out of every window and the door from the building in which my men had entered not long ago. Smoke filled the air and a fire alarm sounded, me, Ben and Scarlet ran in with the others to find out what had happened. We found the bodies of the men that went in; their faces were scorched with singed hair, their uniforms now more grey and black then white. “Ben, take the bodies outside, Scarlet you and the others search the left I will take the right with Ben. Rose, stay outside and alert us of any police or firemen”

I said now having to take control of the situation. Everyone did what they needed to do as I went to the right with Ben. I found a door, it wasn’t touched by the flames or anything, the door was perfectly fine, even the door knob wasn’t heated. I entered with Ben in suit looking around at everything.

Stairs head downwards about twenty steps, the walls were and old red with floral artwork on them. Old paintings hang with bronze frames making them expensive. Me and Ben continued walking down the stairs and into a long corridor with many doors on either side, all looking the same as the first door. “You take the doors on the right, I’ll take the left”

“Okay” Ben said nodding his head and moving towards the first door swiftly.

I opened the first door, a loud creaking sound echoed through the entire corridor. Nothing. Only an empty room with spider webs in the corners and bugs scattering away from the sudden light. I closed the door and went over to the next one to find yet again another empty room. It was about another 20 minutes of finding empty rooms and I was beginning to wonder why did Hooshing have so many empty rooms. Until Ben found a room that wasn’t empty. “Hey Conor, look, it’s not empty”

“Nice, okay slowly move in and hug the walls”

The room seemed to be quite old fashioned with a heavily patterned carpet and immaculately designed mirrors with a chandelier holding candles instead of a light bulb. old coats were hanging up on hangers in the corner, an old oak desk was in the back right with a really old computer sitting on it gathering cob webs and dust, with each step the floor creaked and squeaked and dusk was kicked up each time making us cough. There was another door across the room with a light peeping through the cracks and shadows moving around. I could hear whispering and shuffling. As I peered through the key hole I saw a man pacing up and down alongside an oak table.

He was wearing a large top hat and a black suit with what looked to be badges of honour. Was he a war hero? Or could he be just an impostor? But why is he wearing a top hat? All questions will be answered later but right now I kept watching through the hole. At the other end of the table was a grumpy looking Hooshing sitting with his arms crossed as though he was holding back from something. “Would you please sit down Mr Binks, we need to stop worrying, they haven’t found our secret door and they never will, look at the security camera feed, they’re all there in the auditorium”

“Okay I guess you’re right Hooshing, wait. Where are the other two?”

I heard enough and burst through the door pinning down Hooshing to the ground as Ben pinned Binks. “Here we are” I shouted quite cheerfully knowing I’ve finally caught Hooshing and what appears to be his accomplice. “Ben, radio the others, we have him”

“Right away sir”

I tied Hooshing up rodeo style and dragged him out of the building, it took a while because by the time me and Ben got out police and S.W.A.T where there along with news reporters and other services. The chief of police came over to me and lead me away from the crowds. “Nice work, look I know it’s sudden but we need someone like you on the force, you know, someone who can take charge in any given situation and come out successful”

“Thank you for the offer sir but I’m happy with the job I have now”

“Well you know where we are if you ever change your mind”

 I walked over to the back of the S.W.A.T van to find Hooshing sitting on the metal bench guarded by a man in full armour and an assault rifle.

“Looks like the end of the road” I said

“Indeed it is my friend” Hooshing replied calmly

“No plans to get out of this one I see, good, you deserve your comings for what you did”

“Yes I do, but it was well worth it to see your face when the building collapsed” Hooshing said giving a demented smirk. I left the van and headed over to the rest of the group. “Well guys, we’re going home” Everyone cheered.

Sorry for the short chapter guys but I really want to end this story finally and start some new ones because I was not liking this as much as when I started hope u guys forgive me. So stay frosty originals.

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