Chapter 5

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Chapter 5

I got up off the bench and started to make my way to the hotel in hope of finding Sophie and Ryder stading outside wondering what happened and where i am. I climbed up the nearest building and started to parkour along the roofs making it a quicker way to the hotel then running through the crowd. As i jumoed from building to building without slowing down, the hotel came into view and so did flashes of blue and red from police, fire trucks and ambulances all parked outside the hotel, slight smoke was coming out of the hole that was left by Hooshing destructive escape leaving the firemen and police wondering what could have caused this to happen. As i came nearer to my destination Sophie with Ryder in the stroller was standing outside talking to the police for one of those witness statements, since there was a lot of police activity going on i couldn't go down because well i'm an assassin whats more to say. I perched myself on a building close enough for me to watch but far enough for it to be difficult to be spotted. Once perched on a suitable ledge i called Sophie's cell.

It rang, then again until she finally answered. "Hello Conor where are you? What happened?"

"I'll explain everything but i can't right now because cops"

"Ok well where should we meet i need to talk to you?"

"I dunno just walk away from the area and i will follow until i think we are a suitable distance away"

"Ok will do" And with that Sophie made her way northwards away from the hotel in my direction so i dont really have to move. Once she was somewhere reasonable i jumped down off the roofs and landed gracefully like a feather landing on the floor with the same amount of sound. "Hey" I said startling Sophie "Hey, so whats going on?"

"Ok well long story" I said then explaining what happened and why we're here.

"Ok so what do we do now?" Sophie asked finally understanding the situation. "I dont know, find somewhere alse to stay until Hooshing is located and if need be we will move to it" 

"Ok sounds fair enough, lets go get our stuff and we will leave straight away" Sophie said, i only nodded as we headed back towards the hotel, suprisingly most of the cops had gone so it was easy trailings to get to our room and pack up our stuff.

Time laps... next day

It was now the next day. Me and Sophie are now staying in a pent house on another hotel out of texas and in Arizona where Hooshing now hides as i was told from the countless updates from my team. I brought Rose with me because i am training her to become an assassin of course so can't forget her. She is staying in the same hotel just next door and Hooshing well he is hiding the in building adjacent to the hotel. He really picks the best locations. I walked into the living room, the shag, cream carpet was soft and cosy underneath my feet, the black sofas exteded almost half the room consisting of four seats, one with a recliner and then a normal two seater chair adjacent to it both facing a 46 inch TV which had CNN news displaying yesterdays incedent of the hotel. Sophie was still in bed mainly because it was 5:00am and i cant sleep knowing Hooshing iis still at large.

Hours had past, i was stading on the edge of the balconey looking into the distance of Arizona. Trees were lined up neatly by the road and bushes were squared of anywhere publicly and in gardens i could see many different things; barbeques and clothes hanging to dry, dogs and little kids, people laying in garden chairs. This place was practically the perfect area to live in with some shops not to far then a big shopping area in the other direction. The little town had everything anyone could ever want except for Hooshing, he was the black spot on a perfectly white piece of paper, the bacteria of the earth that needed eradicating before in spreads any further and that's what i intend to do tomorrow with the aid of my team, Ben and Scarlet with another american division group. This time more men so more exits are blocked off almost certyfying Hooshing capture.

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