Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

It was  now Tuesday, the day in which Me, Sophie and Ryder are flying over to Texas, it was so exciting that i was buzzing with excitement before i even left the house. I went up the stairs and carried down the huge luggage, to a normal person it would have weighed a ton of bricks but to me it was more like pillows and feather, possibly even clouds, as i fumbled my way down the stairs because of the sheer size of the bags, almost falling over one i felt the floor start to give away. Poor stairs made form oak wood and still cannot support a females luggage because mine was still upstairs. Once i had packed everything i went back into the house to have a quick look around for anything that could have been left behind by mistake. I checked the mantle, it was very clean and polished leaving a great shine with the light on, the was picture in brass frames some were new like of Ryder when he was born and some of Sophies family. In the middle was the big picture of all the family together as one, of course i was the only werewolf there becaue i broke away from my family when i was young, i had to teach myself to survive and so i have, i smiled at the thought of not needing a family because i already have one now. It is here with Sopihe and Ryder, I am probably the luckest man/werewolf alive to have such a wonderful family.

I checked to see if the plane tickets were still there but thay had gone missing, Sophie would have already taken them, i went up to my study dodging that one stair that almost gave way to the mass amount of weight that was Sophies luggage. Once i got to my study there was a lone picture sitting on my desk, it was of me and Jack, boy i missed him so much, he was like a brother to me, this is why i am going to America to end it once and for all. I took the photo out of the frame, on the back it was signed by me and Jack then written next to it was the words 'Bestfriends till the end' i smiled and placed it into my jacket pocket then headed down the stairs again once again dodging the damger staira, turning all the lights off and walking out the door closing it for a long time now, then locking it smiling at the place, it was magnificant, as tall and as big as a mansion but with the colours of a very dark blue and white window sills and door. I said my final goodbye to the house and then walked to the car where i was greated by an exstatic Sophie and a sleeping Ryder.

We drove all the way to the airport, having to wait in line for almost an hour, the rushing down the hall because we were cutting it close with the time but making it with 5 minutes to spare. We clambered our way through the crowds that were located in the aisles of the Boeing 747 plane, it was huge fitting around 500 people on it but it didnt come close to the Airbus A380 which could carry over 700 and fit cars/trucks it the bottom, but it still was awesome to be sitting on one of the worlds biggest vehicals. The plane reved its engine to test it, they then tested the flaps on the wings and all the other things, then the engine started to roar as we drawed up to the run way, this is it. we're flying to America. The planes engines roared in my ears as i was sitting next to a window, we started to pull up making us all sink into the back of the chair, Sophie wasn't liking this part very much as she dug her nails into the leather arm rests and gritting her teeth. Once the plane had came to level just under the clouds she let go and relaxed letting out a sigh "Diddint like that bit i see" I said laughing "Haha cery funny" Sophie said smiling back, we eant in and kissed eachother quickly but lovingly.

The rest of the flight was boring just watching some films then looking out the window at the sea. That was about all you can do on an aeroplane because we cannot have our laptops or phones out just in case they tampered with the planes radio signals, but once we came in for our landing Sophie had the same face and position as when we were taking off, it made me laugh lookig at her, she will need to practise her takes offs and landings.

We walked out the airport now in Texas looking around and found our car had been delivered to us, great i thought as we clambered back into the car for about an hours drive to the Hotel whcih we were going to stay in. The same hotel that Hooshing has been spottd entering and exiting, I told Sophie about me needing to disguise most of the time because i was under cover, on the last day i will kill him but right now i am going to enjoy my stay here in Dallas, and find out where Ben is so we can talk about a strategie plan for asasinating him. Right now we were walking all our luggage into the lobby where Sophie signed us in, a bell boy was caled and helped with our luggage well more of struggle, so i took it off him and told him he didnt need to, i gave him a tip of 10 dollars for trying to help but he was useless really.We mad out way through the grand hotel, the walls were a white with black carpet which was embroded in a golden pattern which was more of just random stitchings butit looked good so no need to complain, our room was huge, ensuite and a walk in wardrrobe. I can tell that our sta he is going to be a very enjoyable one.

It was very late now so me and Sophie went ot bed, it was very soft and the duvet would cover up my entire face almost but i need to breath so i gave Sophie most of the covers little did i know that she would steal the rest of the covers over night as i woke up with nothing covering me, i was left vulnerable which i hated so i walked around, pacing up and down for no reason, people would think i was sent ot guard Sophie with the way i am walking aound the bed, i must have accidentally waked her as i could fel her watch me pase around the bed. "Are you ok Conor?" Sophie asked worrying about me, she was sweet. "Yeah i'm good just couldn't sleep is all" I said back "I know you are worried about Hooshing but he doesn't even know you're here so just relax and get back into bed with me" I smiled as Sophie finished her sentence with a smile, i gladly went back into bed and wrapped my arms around Sophe eventually falling asleep after quite a long day. 

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