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As Nestor fussed over my outfit and accessories, I turned to the TV screen, which was airing a live interview with Caesar Flickerman on the stage only a couple of feet away.

Cashmere and Gloss had cried fake tears, talking about their close bond to the citizens of the Capitol. Beetee and his twitchy self questioned the legality of the games, something Caesar was not particularly interested in.

Now, as I stared blankly at the screen, I could see a close up of Finnick's face. His twinkling eyes staring right down the camera, the lights shining on his face, giving him a warm, bronzed glow, his dimples deep even when he wasn't smiling.

"Finnick. I understand you have a message to somebody out there? A special somebody. Can we hear it?" Caesar's enthusiastic voice rang out, and he placed his microphone by Finnick's mouth, eager to hear his response. 

He opened his lips to speak, and the words that follow were like a poem, a song. Hauntingly beautiful, yet compellingly heart breaking:

"Ever since I first saw you, I knew that you'd be the one to destroy me. I'd give all my secrets away, if it meant I could spend eternity with you. If I die, in that arena, I hope that you're the last thing I see, and if not, my last thought will be of you." 

And it was then that it dawned on me. He wasn't sending a message back home. He was sending a message to somebody here. His special someone was going to be in that arena. My mind was spinning at this unexpected twist. It was Peeta and Katniss all over again.

Eda, Zyra and Cosimia were all standing behind me, weeping loudly, dabbing their eyes with tissues. Noticing me staring, Cecelia spoke up, "They believe anything, these bunch." I turned my attention to her.

"All of these victors are angry. They'll do anything to stop the games. The Capitol citizens have a lot of power. If anyone's going to be able to stop the games, it's them. So, I suggest you do the same."

I sighed deeply, mulling over what I was going to say.

"They love you, Alaska. Yours and Renly's love story broke them."

"Didn't break them enough to stop the games last time." I spat bitterly, "If I'm supposed to feel sorry for them, I don't."

"You're their real life Juliet. You need to go out there, and break their hearts all over again."


Backstage, I had only minutes before I was on. I could hear Johanna shouting profanities on the stage, and the crowd gasping. So much so, that I almost cracked a smile – that girl was unapologetically herself.

My lavish golden gown was soft around me, and I hugged it around myself tight. If I made it out to the stage without tripping, I'd be very proud of myself.

Nestor had gone all out to make sure I was memorable tonight

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Nestor had gone all out to make sure I was memorable tonight. The intricate designs and embroidery, along with the mix of different textures meant that District 8 was represented, and I truly did feel like a queen. It was extravagant enough to make the Capitol citizens swoon, yet not monstrous and unsightly that I felt like I was becoming one of them.

"Hold still," sang Cosimia, as she adjusted my headpiece, a swirled gold, jewel encrusted plate, adorned with little flowers.

"Where's Ma-" Finnick's voice stalled as he caught sight of me, and I turned my head to glance at him

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"Where's Ma-" Finnick's voice stalled as he caught sight of me, and I turned my head to glance at him. We just stood there, frozen, neither of us saying anything, but the troubled look in his eyes suggested he had a lot to say. Frankly, I was moved by his speech just moments ago, and I couldn't help but wonder who it was about. Did he not have a girl at home? That Annie girl that Mags volunteered for?

As quickly as he appeared, he disappeared, rushed off elsewhere by his district escort.

"It's you, in case you were wondering." Johanna voiced piercingly from behind me. I hadn't even realised she was off stage already. I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion at her.

"Oh don't look so surprised, Midnight. Finnick's a lover, not a fighter." I looked at the ground, 100 thoughts racing through my mind. Surely if anyone here was a lover, not a fighter, it was Peeta? Finnick Odair couldn't have meant those words for me, I was sure of it.

"One minute til showtime." Cecelia said. "You look beautiful." She put a hand on my shoulder, and came closer.

"Go break their hearts, my girl."

The Midnight Sun - Finnick OdairWhere stories live. Discover now