Chapter Five: A Resting Place

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"So...if Sailor Lu-I wasn't supposed to be re-incarnated, then why am I even..." Lutetia said, but couldn't say,'Why am I even alive?' It sounded like she was blaming everyone else, and they couldn't do anything about it. But, she wasn't supposed to be re-incarnated? Why? How did it happen, then? 

"Where do you come from anyway?" asked Usagi. "Usagi, don't-" started Mina, but Lutetia said,"No, no, it's fine. I was stuck in a chamber, with one door leading into this world. I watched over the world's continuing from there." said Lutetia. "But that's like...Pluto, Uranus, and Neptune...and Saturn," said Sailor Moon. "It is. Could there be another outer senshi?" asked Jupiter. "Well, it really seems like it now," replied Venus.

" you're the sailor of continuity...right?" Asked Sailor Moon. "Yes, why?" replied Lutetia. "Hm...So, you're similar to Sailor Saturn! She was the soldier of death, but also rebirth. You protect the continuation of those things," said Sailor Moon.

 Lutetia did know that, but thought it would be strange to reveal that she had been watching them. It sounded creepy, actually. But, now that she thought about it, she was similar to Saturn. "Hm...but why?" she asked. "Well Usagi, I guess you are right. But I'm not really sure why," said Sailor Mercury.

At that moment, Usagi emitted a small yawn, and everyone giggled. "Usagi, this is important," said Luna, a little annoyed. "Well, it is getting very late, we can talk this over tomorrow" replied Sailor Mars. "Yeah, I really think that would help," mumbled Sailor Moon, yawing again.

"Well, goodbye then, I guess. It was nice meeting you," said Lutetia. She really didn;t know where she'd go to sleep, but she'd figure that out somehow. "Goodbye, we'll see you tomorrow. And you can transform back out of your sailor form by raising your pen up again," said Luna. "Bye!" said everyone else.

Outside, after Sailor Lutetia became Elisa again, she pondered over what had happened that day. She had transformed into her sailor form, but no one had expected another senshi to even exist. The question of what to do next still remained, left to linger until the next day.

As she was standing there thinking, Sailor Moon rushed over to her, now back to her normal clothes as Usagi. "Hi Elisa! Sorry, I forgot that you had nowhere to stay. You can stay at my house! We have a guest room where you can sleep, and extra clothes I normally don't use," she offered.

Right! Elisa almost forgot about that. What else could she do other than accept the offer? It only felt polite, and even if it wasn't, there was nowhere else.

"Sure, alright then," she replied, and Usagi led Elisa to her home.

- - - - -

"Hi mom, I brought a friend! She's staying over tonight," Usagi yelled to her mom from upstairs. "Alright, that's fine Usagi. Just keep quiet," replied her mom.

Usagi excitedly showed Elisa the guest room. There was a window, and next to that window was a bed and a nightstand. There was also a drawer opposite of the bed, and a mirror next to the drawer. "I'm sorry it's so bare, I hope it'll be fine for you," said Usagi. "It's fine, I don't really need anything else. Thank you," said Elisa. "You're welcome! The extra clothes are in the drawer, wear whatever you like," said Usagi, leaving. 

As the pine door closed, Elisa was left once more to her own devices. And that meant her mind would once again begin thinking.

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