Chapter Six: Remember...

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Immediately after Usagi left, Elisa's mind became filled with questions. Did she have a family here? Did she ever have a family, at all? Did they miss her? No, that couldn't be possible. She was stuck in one room for years, wouldn't she have been able to see her family if she had one? 

And that brought Elisa to her first question. What was her purpose here, then? Flopping down onto the bed, Elisa thought more. However, it was getting very late, and Elisa's eyes slowly begun to close. Her eyelids became heavy, and she fell asleep.

- - - - -

"W-what's happening?!" Yelled Rosa, as the ground all around them was trembling. The lava started flowing, and soon, bits of rock followed. "Xanthippe is reforming! His rebirth time is now!" Replied Lutetia, and she was afraid. The sailors had been waiting for this to happen for a long time, but they were never exactly sure when it would happen. 

"What do we do now?!" Amalthea yelled frantically. "Guys, we've been waiting for this. All that we can do now is stay strong, and fight," said Lutetia, though she too didn't know what was going to happen next. As far as they knew, Xanthippe could only meet his defeat if the chosen soul entered him. They'd been trying to find the person with that soul but to no avail. They knew they had to keep trying, but they didn't know exactly how much time they had.

"We haven't found the chosen soul yet! We can't beat him!" Yelled Amalthea, as more ground peeled off, forming boulders. "Well, we have to at least try!" yelled Lutetia, but she was even more scared than they were inside. The planet Xanthippe was going to first was her planet. And everyone knew that if Xanthippe gained control of that, he would take all the universal power that Lutetia had, and absorb it into his body. Then, he would destroy the world, only to create a new planet for evil.

"Yeah! M-maybe we can at least stall Xanthippe, so the people on that planet will be somewhat prepared?" Rosa thought aloud. But at that moment, all the sailors went speechless. The rocks stopped peeling off, and they saw that the chunks of ground that had previously started floating were now gathering together in mid-air. They were forming a huge being. A deep low laugh shook the ground, and-

- - - - -

Elisa woke with a start. The time read 3:00 am. "What was that...?" Elisa thought aloud, thinking. "It But who were those other girls? Why are they so familiar? I've never met them!" she thought. I should go back to bed, thought Elisa. 

Note from author:

Well, here it is! My next chapter! I'm sorry this one came out so late, my teacher gave out homework that takes like 3-5 hours to do, and this is middle school! But yeah, I started work on this chapter last week, so I only had like 30-40 minutes left to do on here. Thanks for reading!

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