Chapter 3

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Sophie's POV

We stepped out of the apartment together. I felt like a child about to go to Disneyland or some places kids get excited about.

There were butterflies at the pit of my stomach again. I always get them when I'm around Louis.

I got into the elevator with Louis right behind me. Once we reached the ground floor and walked out of the lobby together, Louis started conversation,

"So, Sophie. Tell me about yourself." He raised an eyebrow slightly and stared intensely into my eyes.

I giggled at his seriousness.

"What's so funny?" he asked,

"Nothing, it's just the way you were so serious about asking me that when yesterday you were jumping around my apartment declaring your deep love for carrots!" I giggled again. I could feel my cheeks heating.

Louis grinned widely his eyes twinkling.

"Sorry love. I'm not so good with girls" he blushed. He was just too cute.

"I'm sure that's not true. And, if it makes you feel any better, I'm not so good with guys either." I said truthfully, blushing once more.

I'm not sure why I was so nervous with Louis. He was so kind and easy to talk too. I guess I just didn't want to mess up. I had done enough of that in the past.

Stop being a Debbie-downer Sophie! You're out with Louis to have a nice time and really get to know him!

"Anyway so where did you move from. I'm guessing some place in America." He said.

I smiled, "I moved from a tiny town in New Jersey. It's so small I'm not even sure it's on the map! But it was wonderful until.." I quickly cut myself off. As much as I liked Louis, I wasn't ready to tell him or anyone about what happened.

Louis frowned slightly.

"Until what?" he questioned.

"Oh nothing. Sorry I - sorry." I felt tears gathering in my eyes. I turned away from him so he didn't suspect anything.

"Don't worry love. There's nothing to be sorry for. You don't have to talk about anything if you don't want to. I'm not going to force you."

He lightly turned my head around and lifted my chin up slightly so I was looking directly into his eyes.

Just at his slightest touch I became giddy.

I gave him a thankful smile and looked away from his heart-melting blue green eyes.

I was so thankful he had been so understanding and kind. He really was perfect.

We carried on walking for a few minutes just making small talk. But in that time I found out some interesting stuff about him.

Firstly, he had a hamster names Carrots (loved the name) but it died within a week of him having him.

I also found out that Louis isn't very good with animals.

Another thing we have in common.

We arrived at the local Starbucks.

I ordered my usual 'vanilla cream frappucino with cinnamon.' I'm not one to vary things.

When I ordered, the young, female cashier asked me for my name.

After I had paid, Louis stepped forward to the counter.

"Hi can I have a - " he was immediately cut off from his words,

"Oh. My. God. LOUIS TOMLINSON IS IN MY CAFÉ ORDERING A DRINK! OH MY GOSH. I'm dreaming I must be but y-your L-Louis a-a-and oh my gosh." She looked completely flushed and utterly shocked.

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