Chapter 5

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Chapter 5

Sophie's POV


Monday 4th September 2010

My books toppled out of my hand as he hurried past me.

"Brilliant." I murmured to myself as I kneeled down collect my books that were now strewn on the corridor floor. First day of school and already making a fool of myself.

"Here. Let me help you" I looked up into a pair of soft, kind brown eyes and a warm friendly smile.

I smiled as in to say 'thank you'.

As we were picking up my books, our hands lightly brushed and I felt shivers run down my spine. They went as quick as they came but I was surprised at the effect this boy had on me.

We stood up and he placed the books in my arms.

"T-thanks so much" I stuttered. I don't know why I felt so nervous.

"No problem, love. I'm Tom by the way."

"Sophie." I replied. We were quiet for a moment, practically gazing into each other's eyes. It was almost like one of those perfect movie moments where the boy and girl see each other and fall instantly in love.

I quickly looked away, feeling myself blushing. I glanced at my watch and realised the time.

"Well, I'd better be getting to class. Thanks again." I said to Tom.

"No problem, anytime." He shot me another of his beautiful smiles.

Just as I began walking away, I felt a light tap on my shoulder. I turned round and smiled at the same brown eyes I was just staring into.

"Um- I was just um wondering if you wanted to um - " he scratched the back of his neck as a light blush crept up his cheeks. I smiled at how adorable he was. I nodded at him signalling him to continue.

"You don't have to or anything, but would you maybe like to come to the movies with me on Friday?" he was blushing so much at this point that I wanted to pull him into a hug he was so cute.

"I'd love that." Now it was my turn to blush. I saw Tom relax and I almost giggled at how nervous he seemed to be. I know we had only known each other for merely a few minutes but, this sounds corny, but I felt we had some sort of connection. It's probably just me but...

"Good. So um - here's my number so you can um text me maybe?" he was cherry red at this point. I giggled slightly,

"Sure, thanks." I took the post it note with his number on it and put it in my bag.

"So I'll um see you around school sometime. What classes do you have today?"

I pulled my timetable out of my bag and scanned over what I had today.

"Um I have English Lit, Maths,History, English, Biology and Spanish." I read of the sheet.

"Awesome! I have pretty much the same agenda but I have Physics and French instead of Bio and Spanish."

"Cool! I'll see you in English Lit then."

"Yep. So do you know who your homeroom teacher is yet? He asked

"Yeah I have Ms Norton."

"Really? So do I!"

"Brilliant! Um, do you think you can show me the way to homeroom? I don't quite know my way round here yet." I asked blushing for the upteenth time in the past 5 minutes.

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