Chapter 6

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Sophie's POV

My books toppled over as he hurried past me.

"Brilliant." I murmured to myself as I kneeled down collect my books that were now strewn on the corridor floor. First day of school and already making a fool of myself.

"Here let me help you." I looked up to a pair of soft eyes.

These eyes were not brown and warm like how everything was supposed to be but they were blue and mystical. I gasped as I saw the face of Louis and I forgot to breathe.

I woke up from my dream gasping for air. The bed was absolutely wringing with sweat and my forehead was burning. I looked up at the alarm clock and it read 6:32.

I knew that this was way too early to get out of bed but there was no way that I would be able to go back to sleep. Not after a dream like that. It had felt so real. Everything was the same as the day I met Tom only Tom wasn't there, it was Louis.

I hurried into the kitchen after putting on a clean pair of sweats. I combed through my long hair and threw it up into a messy bun on the top of my head. I filled up the kettle with boiling water and made myself a cup of cocoa.

I was really excited for today. I finally get to meet the boys that Louis thinks so much of. I'm sure they're lovely and I can't wait to finally meet some more people around here.

I would love to get to know what the boys, and what they're really like outside the fame.

It was now 7:30 and I had ages until Louis was coming to get me so I decided to kill the time by having a deep, hot bath.

I stepped into the luscious water. It was hot and I felt my skin tingling as I plunged myself into the tub. I lay there and thought about how I should act around Louis and the boys until I finally came to the conclusion that I should be myself.

I remember Tom always told me that nobody truly loved you unless they loved you for you. Tom and I had. always said forever I guess forever has to come to end at some point.

When I got out of the bath it was ten to nine so I still had ages to get myself ready to meet the boys later. Long bath much.

Just as I was making my way into my bedroom, I heard my phone ringing as it sat on my bed.

Curiously, as I looked at the caller ID it said unknown number.

I swiped the unlock button on the screen and held the phone to my ear.

"Hello, is this Miss Sophie Marshall" an English accent rung into my ears.

"Speaking" I replied

"Good morning Miss Marshall"

"Please, call me Sophie," I giggled.

"Well Sophie I have some extremely good news for you today. We absolutely loved your designs for the 'This is us' movie poster and DVD cover that you sent us in. Congratulations, you have a contract with One Direction for the movie designs for the current movie."

I gasped. I was in shock. I had no idea that my designs would actually get a contact with One Direction. Only one thought was in my head. Louis. I would get to spend so much time with the boys. This was amazing.

"Oh my gosh, this is so unexpected and thank you so much! I am absolutely thrilled!" I said whilst grinning uncontrollably.

"Well Sophie, that's not the best part. We have never seen somebody with so much potential as you so we would like to offer you a full time job on the design team that work with One Direction."

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