Chapter 1

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"Are you sure? Sir?" The second in command soldier asks. The leader nods his head, taking his blue trenched coat off. "I will be back, just not sure when" His scarred faced was somewhat healed, his paralyzed arm was now a robotic arm. "But when will that be? Sir?" The other second in command soldier asks. Their leader stuffs a 9mm pistol in his pockets of his red hoodie. "When I need to come back" "But sir! Your army needs you!" The first soldier yelled. They watched their leader putting his hood over his head, and opening the door. "Paul, you have Patryk with you, I'm sure you two can handle the army yourselves!" With that, their leader walked out of the room, and left to where he needed to go....

"NOOO!" Matt shrieks. "WHO BROKE MY MIRROR!" Matt looked like he was about to rip his hair off. A cold sweat dripped off from Tom and Edd. "Relax Matt!.... It's just a mirror, we can just another one" Edd said, trying to clam Matt. "Just a mirror..... JUST A MIRROR!" Matt screamed. Matt knocks the cola drink from Edd's hands. "HOW DARE YOU CALL IT JUST A MIRROR!" Edd watched his cola slowly staining the purple rug. "WHAT THE HECK MATT!" Edd yelled. Tom watched the two start arguing, as he takes a sip from his flask. "Welp, I'm out" Tom walks away from the two, leaving out the door. Once Tom was out in the hallway, he could still hear them yelling. Tom walks to his right, to his room. Once he got out his keys to his room, he opens to get inside. As he opens it, he hears someone come up the stairs. A little curious, Tom peered from his door, to see was coming up the stairs. *I wonder if this person would walk on that banana peel I left on the stairs* Tom thought. The footsteps paused. Then the steps continued on. *Guess not* Tom sighs. When Tom was about to closed the door. A phone started to ring. "Sunshine lollipops, an-" *Wait, why does that sound familiar?* Tom looked out his door again. The tone ended, to the Norwegian accent that we just COULDN'T forget. "Hello?" Tord spoked. "NOPE!" Tom yelled, slamming his door. "Nope-" Tom locks his door. "-Nope-" Tom added another lock to his door. "-Nope!" Tom grabbed his sniper rifle, and pointed it at the door.

~*Tords pov.*~

Walking up the stairs, hoping that this was the location that they live now. I kept my hands inside my pockets. It's bad enough having people look at my scarred face, and to also see my robotic arm. While walking, I noticed a banana peel on one of the steps. *Who leaves a banana peel on stairs?* I thought. I just ignored it, and continued to walk up the stairs. "Sunshine lollipops, an-" "Hello?" I quickly answered my phone. When I did, I heard a door being slammed. "AH! Sir~! *hic* I hAve evEr tOld yoouUu...... I likEd.....*Hic*...... PINEAPPLES! *hic*" Paul laughed. Tord sighs. "Have you've been drinking again, Paul?" he asks. Paul hiccups again, then starts laughing. "HahA! WhAt? Noooo....... *Hic*..... I onLy hAd a *Hic* sIp!" I took a breath in, and out. I ended my call with Paul, and continued up the stairs. Once I reached to the third floor, I heard aggressive yelling from a room. I leaned over to the door, to hear the voices.







*That is most diffidently Edd and Matt* I thought. I took a breath in, and out. *knock knock* The yelling stopped suddenly. The door once opened to Matt and Edd's faces, clearly surprised to see their old friend again.

~*No ones pov.*~

Edd and Matt couldn't believed beyond their eyes. "T-Tord!" Edd gasps, surprised. "What are you doing here?" Tord scratched the back of his head, with his normal hand. "Well, I ca-" "OH MY GOD YOUR FACE!" Matt interrupted. Matt poked the scarred side of Tord's face. "Uhh.... Anyways, I came here to.... Tell you that I'm sorr-" Once again, Matt interrupts Tord. "Why should we forgive you?! YOU HURT MY FACE! MY PRETTY, PRETTY FACE!" Matt looked like he was about to explode. Edd gently pushed Matt away. "Clam down Matt, ju-" "AND YOU BROKED MY MIRROR!" Matt pushed Edd out of his room, then slamming the door on them both. Tord sighs sadly. "Matt will be okay" Edd sighs. "Tomorrow, don't worry, he's probably going to forget the whole mirror thing..." Edd places his hand behind Tord's back. "Lets talk at my place" Edd showed him where his place was at, which was just next door from Matts.

Tord sat down on Edd's couch. Edd grabs a Cola can, and opens it. "It has been a year, Tord" Edd started. "Why do you think I should forgive you?" Ringo, Edd's cat, came into the room, and meowed. "I've changed Edd! If you don't believe me, then... I'll try to make it up to you!" Tord cried. Edd sighs, not knowing what to do. *What if he's lying to us again?* Edd thought. "No more lies, right?" Edd asks. Tord shook his head. "I will not lie about a single thing!" Edd looked into Tord's eyes. He could see some bits of sadness, and regret in his eyes. Edd sighs once more. "Fine, I forgive you" Edd said. Tord couldn't believe what he was hearing at first, then he was filled with joy. "Thank you! Edd! I really didn't thi-!" Tord was cut of by Edd. "But on one condition-" Edd pointed his finger up. "-You must befriend Tom!" The joy in Tord went away pretty quick. "What about Matt?" Tord asks. "He's more likely to forgive you anyways... If you buy him a new mirror.... Or a picture of himself" Edd assisted. Tord stuffed his hands. *Alright Tord, maybe, just maybe he wouldn't be so super pissed at me right now, like he was before!* Tord thought. Tord looked down at his feet. *But I still don't want to forgive that jehovah's witness! He's the main reason why I would be in this position!* "Alright" Tord finally said. "Bring me to his room" Edd smiles gladly. "Follow me!"

They walked past Matt's room. Edd knocked on Tom's door. "Hey Tom! It's me, Edd!" Edd called. No response. "Tom? I'm coming in if you don't mind!" Edd pulled out 3 keys. Each key had names on them, Matt, Tom, and Edd's name were on those 3 keys. Edd unlocked the door, but was only open it a little. "Tom! I thought I told you to sto-" Edd realized that Tom was pointing his sniper rifle at him. Tord peek inside from the small gap. Tom suddenly pointed his gun upper at Tord. "EDD MOVE!" Tom yells.

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