Leave Me Alone Horan

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Why is it always me? i always get bullied but no one seems to care i cry myself to sleep every night but no one cares, I think to myself while watching some kids show my little sister has on. I get up and walk outside for a walk barefoot and start walking down the street, I pass a park and look over seeing kids playing happily while their parents talked with each other. I walked over to a swing and started swinging while watching the kids. Someone sat next to me and i looked over to see Niall sitting there, He said to me "Listen im sorry about Nathan i didnt know he did that stuff to you" I took a shaky breath before answering "Its fine really i just hate him so much" He looked me dead in the eyes "We finally agree on something scary I hate him also". I stared at him my mouth agape, "hello? is anyone home?" he asked me I snapped out of my thoughts "Oh um sorry just thinking, Wow that is scary" I say and get up noticing its getting dark "hey listen i need to be getting home" I tell him he nods and says "Ok see you at school tomorrow" I nod. I get up "hey can i have your number?" i ask him. He nods and we exchange numbers. When i get home I immediately text Niall

To: The Sexy Irish Lephrechuan

Whats up?

I laugh at the name he put for himself and check and see he sent me a reply

from: The Sexy Irish Lephrecaun

Playing guitar

I instantly reply

To: The Sexy Irish Lephrechuan

Coolio, After school tomorrow wanna go to starbucks?

From: The Sexy Irish Lephrecuan

Mhm, Sure and maybe go on a walk afterwards?

To: The Sexy Irish Lephrechuan

Ok sure why not dont have anything else to do.

From: The Sexy Irish Lephrechuan

Cool, Hey I should probably go to sleep see you tomorrow love. Good Night

To: The Sexy Irish Lephrechuan

Ok I probably should to, Night


A/N: So what do you think this chapter took so long to write even though its short cause I've got a horrible case of writers block.

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