Dream a Little Dream (Inception: Arthur/Dom) For Me (Chapter Twenty-Four)

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“Alex? Alex?”

            “Yes, James?” I asked, crouching down to look at the shaggy haired, young boy. Out of the corner of my eye I saw Dom watching as he worked, probably listening to what I said to him. The little boy grabbed my hand in his.

            “I think you’re pretty,” he said shyly, cheeks turning pink. I grinned at the boy, flashing my eyes up to Dom, who was wandering over, also smiling. He picked up James.

            “Like father, like daughter,” he murmured. I stood as well, still smiling broadly.

            “Thank you, James. And thank you, Dom.”

            “Will you marry me?” James asked in his cute, little boy way.

            “Of course I will.”      

            “Daddy, she’s gonna marry me!” James nearly squealed, throwing his arms around his father’s neck. Dom kissed his temple lightly, ruffling the dirty blonde hair that matched his own color.

            “You’ll have to wait a few years for that one.”

            He set James down as he began to squirm, and we both watched as James ran off, probably to find Phillipa. I smiled at the sight, Dom and I stood there together, watching as he rounded the corner and disappeared. I heard Arthur yelp and I stifled a laugh with my hand.

            “Sounds like James found Arthur.”

            Next came the tell-tale shout from Eames, and the screeches from the other two kids. I shook my head and returned to my work, even more intent on making everything absolutely perfect. It had been a week since my visit to Chandler in the hospital, and I was determined to aid the team’s efforts to get into the dream as soon as possible. Because of that, I didn’t do anything halfway. Even Dom had been eying me suspiciously, as I barely goofed off and rarely initiated conversations now. I was all work.

            “That looks good,” Dom commented, leaning over me. I tried not to smile. For someone who had given up on me, he had gotten awfully fond of getting as close as possible to me. I leaned back to stand, forcing him to take a few steps back.

            “Thanks. Think we’ll be able to go in soon?”

            “You ask me that every day.”

            “And I’m still waiting for an answer,” I replied, giving him a meaningful look. He shrugged.

            “By the end of the week.”

            A real estimate of time. I nearly sighed in relief. It was what I needed to hear to keep me going. All week, Dom had been avoiding giving me an estimate, or even a real date. But I didn’t need that. Knowing that we would be saving Chandler within the week…it made everything better. I threw my arms around Dom. “Thank you.”

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