chapter 1: Lovely voice and lots of chuckles

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"It's all about who you look for in a crowded room, that's where your heart belongs to."


"Ina my love! I can't live my life without you! Accept me my darling!" He pleaded

"My name's Inayath!" I shouted

Man this guy is cliche, can't he be somewhat original? seriously I have heard that line a million times!

"You are my world sweetheart!" God! He is making kissy faces now! what's wrong with him? I can practically see sugar dripping from his mouth.

whatever this guy is professing his love me, wow! Yay at last someone, someone understands how awesome I am! la la la ...

"Inayath. Inayath Sheikh!" he suddenly started shouting in a girly voice, not that I am telling girly voice is bad but does it match him ?? wait how did his voice change?

"Miss Sheikh! GET UP!! This is the last time I am calling you" some screeching lady burst in my ear. Oops oh! She is Madam Chakchak, no no I swear that's her name, apparently she had always been a tough child to handle. It seems parents taking revenge on her for troubling them!

"Yes Madam Chakchak!" Okay I can literally see steam coming off her eyes and yeah ears wait that's not even funny!

She hates being called Chakchak who wouldn't?

"You were sleeping in my class MY CLASS! detention after school, now get out !!"

She screamed, what's with her and screaming?

"Oh was I?? I am sorry Madam Chakchak" the whole class snickered behind me, one even gave me a thumbs up sign, well I ma entertaining the boring class and giving them a break from her torture, right? I gave him a thumbs up back and grinned.

"Inayath sheikh, get out!!"

Women stop screaming!!

"Yes Madam Chakchak" I saluted her and before she could kill me leapt out of my seat ran to the door. From the corner of my eyes I saw some students staring at me with awe, some with jealousy, of course they would want to get out of this class too!

Well what did u expect Inayath? Proposal and you?? You are meant only for relationship with chocolates and let's not forget ice cream is your illicit affair!


"why is it so hot today? Oh did Madam Chakchak pass gas again? Bad manners Madam Bad manners!" I said putting my head inside the classroom door and that my friends is how you make a grand exit!!

Now run away Inayath, she will surely kill me!

Of course not literally run, I am not an athlete, I have zero tolerance level to running, can't even run when a dog is behind me. I just lie down the floor and act like I am dead. Trust me it doesn't work, the mark on my thigh is a proof.

"Let's get some food then, what say stomach?" I chirped to no one in particular

"That would be great my lady" A warm voice answered me.

Huh!!? I turned around So fast, no I didn't break my neck, haha that would be funny on a second that would be scary!

AAA! The clumsy old me lost balance in order to stand upright I grabbed the first thing I saw, the warm voice owner's books to be precise and of course standing would be such a shame on my part isn't it? Instead I opted for lying on the floor ceremoniously kissing 'his' books. What an attractive sight ah!

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