chapter 6: Guest at home! boon or bane?

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Chapter dedicated to Azma Aalam and Mekki Datta  for being my crazy baes! Love u darlings!

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"Ah! Young love Ameera thinks, what a wonderful way to shut down the brain"
---- excerpt from rope that bind us

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"Mummy!!! I don't have anything to wear! What should I wear mummy?? And take Ilham away she is spoiling my scarf!! Aaaa!! Ilu please that's a new one! No no please don't eat it!!"

You would think I was getting married with the amount fiasco I was doing. Nah nah! Not so soon! I am getting ready for the guest coming up. Don't even ask why I am getting ready as if they are coming personally to see me. Don't you dare!

After I heard from dad and mom that the guest coming were from Canada and they had recently shifted I for one had this distinct feeling it was Mr chuckles family that dad was talking about. Why the hell am I so excited?!


As I just finished applying mascara I heard the doorbell ring. I draped the dupatta over my side, checked my hijab and went downstairs.

Uncle and his son or sons were sitting in the main hall and in the sitting room sat aunt and Her daughter.

"Assalamualaikum, khairiyath aunty?" I said smiling at the new guest.

"Walaikum Assalam, Alhumdullilah I am good! Iqra your daughter is really pretty! What's your name?"

"Oh Aminah you and your compliments! She is Inayath sheikh my eldest daughter and this tiny one here is Ilham. Inayath this is aunt Aminah and her daughter Izma"
After the introductions an awkward silence fell where everyone was contemplating how to fill it up. Just when I was going to sneak into the kitchen I heard a laughter that was all to familiar to ignore.

Ya Allah! This is actually Mr chuckles family!! He is in my house!! Omg!! Wait a minute why am I acting like the Prime minister is at my home?! Calm down dude, he is just Mr chuckles.

My father's booming voice floated in the air breaking me out of my reverie. Inayath you need to make an impression.

"Izma do you like food??" I asked that so loudly that my voice actually would be heard in the main hall! I mentally punched myself! My inner me was shaking its head in exasperation!

A silence enveloped us. Nobody spoke a word and then I heard Mr chuckles laughing!!! Then another one laughed maybe his brother? Even my father started laughing! After a little while everyone was laughing. And me ?? Of course I was praying that the earth would gobble me up to save me from my embarrassment!

"Ohio!! Inayath you are good!! My god I haven't laughed so hard in a awhile!" Aunt Aminah said clutching her stomach and wiping imaginary tears.


The rest of the dinner past without any incident. After my embarrassing question the mood became lighter and even Izma opened up.

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