My Brother Has Down Syndrome

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My brother has Down Syndrome

Don't you think that

Whatever you're thinking,

Stop thinking it.

Don't feel sorry for me,

Or him,

Or my family.

My brother has Down Syndrome

He looks different from you and me

His hair is thinner

His legs are shorter

His eyes are slightly slanted upward

But I can't tell the difference

My brother has Down Syndrome

His mind is different than yours and mine

No, he probably won't be as smart as you and me

But does that mean he is destined for failure?


The human race needs to understand something,

Knowledge does not equal power

Power should not be our goal

How about,

Kindness toward people equals happiness

My brother has Down Syndrome

I firmly believe

He is a gift from God

My brother has Down Syndrome


He is different

Is that a bad thing?

You tell me.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 17, 2012 ⏰

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