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Anushka's pov

I was hell nervous when we landed in Delhi and specifically when we arrived his flats. His mom came to the lobby for us along with her daughter in law Chetna and grandchild Arav. Virat had already showed them and introdused them over the phone but yet to meet face to face my heart flatterred. They greeted us gladly, i went and touched Saroj mom's feet and hugged her while Virat went to take Arav in his arms. Then i hugged Chetna sister and to be honest she was such a nice person with the beautiful smile and voice. Then i was taken to his room to take some rest as his mom wanted so. I was too tired and my energy level too coz i was on my days which need full rest but unfortunately i had to travel. One side my stomach pain and head ache and another side i had to be alright in front of them.

"Anu first you go and take some rest, you would be tired" Saroj aunty said. "Viru take her to the room"

"Aru come here leave chachu, he need some rest" said Chetna sister as she said he ran up to Vikas brother his dad.

"Come" Virat said and guide me to his room and opened the room. Not so many seconds i went and fell on his bed clutching my stomach with one hand and my head with another without uttering anything. Suddenly i started to feel nauseous which made Virat to feel a little bit worried. He came near and sat on the bed and storked my hair gently.

"Do you need anything Nush.." he asked

"" i said while pulling him closer by his tee. He laid down beside me and placed few kisses on my forehead. To be honest i have never suffered like this month but my bad luck in importants days only my hormones doing this. We did not change our clothes nor freshenup, i was slowly going in to my dream land forgetting those pains but that is when Arav came up while shouting "uncle....." for amoment my skipped a beat. I suddenly waken up noticing that Vir "come in" as he came in " how many time i have to say Arav to don't shout like this"

"Mom said if you two are freshen up then come to eat the lunch" he said while taking a breathe.

"Haan we are coming" he said getting from the bed. As he got up i called him " Vir please give me that bag" while he tookoff his tee, he nodded and gave me, so i took a box and called Arav " champ come here, will not you speak with me?"

He came near while making his lips as a thine line like his uncle. " no nothing like that you are tired so i don't wanted to disturb you" he excused. I got up and made me comfortable in the bed while leaning on the headboard i took Arav and made him to sit beside me. And i handovered the gift which i bought for him. He took it and replied "thank you..."  "chachi" virat said while giving me the painkiller and a glass of water.
He glanced at Virat and replied again "thank you chachi"

"Go..and reserve the seat beside you..." virat winked at him and within a minute he got up and ran while shutting the door.

"Okay you go and take the shower i use the another one" he told me and gave me my towel. "Why are you being rude now" i asked casually.             
"what? Oh my god! her hormones are killing me now" he said while clasping his cheeks. I got up and pinced his cheeks" chooooo shweeet cheeeks" " haan Anushka" he groaned in pain

I grinned at him like nothing had happened. "You...look it became pinky"

"Aww you are blushing right now, why? Because of you are being shirtless" i said while teasing him more. He turned quickly and clasped my cheeks by both of his hands while moving back to the bed and laying back in the bed he closed his eyes then placed his lips on mine. For a moment all my pains were washed over. I felt like flying in the cloud. After few seconds we were pulled apart due to lack of oxygen. "Tell me now i am blushing now" he said while resting his bare chest on my body when our faces inches away. "Hmm whatever" i replied, he giggled and get off from me "go, and come quickly" he said opening the washroom door for me.

We were all got togethr in the dining room virat was sitting beside Arav and i was sitting between his mom and sister in law. " Virat told me that you are not well, how do you feel now?" Saroj aunt asked me concernly.

"Feeling much better aunty" i said polietly

"No Anu you can call me mom, i hope you will call me that way, i will be proud to be called by such a wonderful actress" she said.

"So when are you..." as vikas bro say "hi mom,bro,sissy" a loud voices came from the behind, it was Virat's cousins and sister Bhawna. They came and touch mom's feet and turned towards me and Neha his cousin said" hello Anushka, you are real hay na? Bhawna touch her, Riya is that her Anushka sharma, i can't beleive my eyes, Can i touch you, hay wait i hope Viru would told you about us" all i did was burst into the laugh.

"Sorry but come"i got up and hugged them

"Hmm Anu, you did a great job after sooo long time my bro is in home without his phone, or else he would came to meet you" Bhawna said.

"Okay okay enough, we should party together and make this day memorable one no?" Riya said to which all are nodded the head gladly. But suddenly my phone buzzed.

To be continue.....

Hey people here my update finnaly but please do vote and comment, your motivations are my strength to write so please and this part will be continue but do not worry the phone call would be from her family or friends not from any dangerous fellow😂

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